It's me or her

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It started at a party in Chris ' friend house. Alcohol was flowing, the music was blasting through the entire property. You wish you could party with them but no, you were working as a maid. It was a lunch party for his new single. So you met Chris there, you chatted with him, the conversation was nice, you liked his compagny so did he. He found you cute so he asked you to talked in a quiet place : his bedroom. You weren't stupid you know why he chose this place, you accepted because you wanted him too. Few minutes later you went downstairs. Your manager yelled at you for taking break whenever you wanted, you really needed this job so you apologized.

Few days later Chris contacted you by Instagram message and asked you if you wanted to join him in hotel room since you were hanging out near. It was a coincidence. You accepted.

At first it was just sex but then you  start to have feeling for him. He was nice with you, gave you gifts and you had romantic weekend in different place. It's like he was making everything he could to make you fall in love with him. You hated him for this because you will never be a couple. Not officially.

So here you are in a hotel room with view on the sea. He is lying down next to you, kissing softly your neck. You bit your lip.
- shit ! You groan
- you like that baby ? Chris whispers.
- no I'm mean yes I.... please stop.
- why ? He looks up at you.
You look sad and Chris noticed it.
-Y/n baby why's wrong ? Chris asked rubbing your face.
- we can't do this...I can do this
- doing what ?
- We can't see each other anymore- chris interrupts you.
- Baby don't this to me I love you so much.
- No you don't... You trail before sitting up and get off the bed.

You put on a satin robe. Chris sight and sits up on the bed. You look at his naked chest. Did you really want to stop what you were doing ? You shake it off.

- Yes I do love you, how many times I have to say it ? Please baby come back to bed. He pats the mattress.
- you say it all the time but you still with her !
- I told you I will do it soon,
- when huh ? When are you going to leave your wife ??? Do you still love her?
- it's complicated you know it...
- but it's been a whole year now !
- you think l can leave my wife like that ? I'm a famous person, we are lucky nobody never found about us !! He starts to get mad, he raises his voice.
- yeah lucky me ! You said ironically.
- plus I got 2 kids... it's gonna hurt so much, I need time...please before they start to hate me.

There we go you thought, he always does that,using his kids as an excuse. And you always fall into it. You forgive him and you make up in bed.

Sunday night you were back into your lovely apartment that Chris bought you, sipping a glass of wine. You were thinking about what he said yesterday.

I'm a famous person, we are lucky nobody never found about us !

An idea pops into your head : what if an anonymous source tell to a people magazine about you and Chris ? And by anonymous you mean yourself of course. Or worst, calling paparazzi to tell them where y'all are. It was bad but it could force him to tell the truth, you wanted him to yourself, you were fed up to share him with his wife.

You look at the bottle it was half empty, you drunk too much, of course it's a bad idea. It will probably destroy his life and maybe his career, you love him too much for doing this.

Few weeks later You and Chris met in a club. You ended the night at your place. Usually he takes breakfast with you but since it was a night of the week, he had to leave earlier. You hug him and kiss him passionately in front of the door. He kisses you back moaning against your lips. During the kiss you left a little gift in his pocket. He then leaves your apartment.

When Chris came back to his house, he takes off his clothes and jump into the shower. When he came out his wife was in the bathroom.

- ho hey honey he said pecking his lips. I came back home late last night, I slept in the friend's bedroom.
- it's ok darling, I'm gonna drive the kids to school you can stay here and rest if you want-
- No no I got this, I dress up quickly !

So chris leaves the house with his kids. His wife decide to start a machine. She takes the landry basket from their bedroom and goes downstairs. As she fills the machine she empties the pockets of pants. In Chris pants she finds the earring you left for her. She looks at it a long time, she was mad, she wanted to smack Chris face so hard " stupid bitch" she said before throwing your earring in the trash " if you think I'm gonna leave his rich ass you wrong honey " she said laughing alone like a crazy psychopath.


Thank you for reading and following me love y'all ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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