Imagine # 6

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You are in the bathroom looking yourself in the miroir and sighing. Chris is watching you from the bedroom and laughs. You turn your head toward him and give him a dead glance, he comes closer and you feel his hand on your waist, his head resting on your shoulder.

Chris : What's wrong babe ?

You: Nothing

Chris: Come on tell me !

You : Girl's problem

Chris : okay...well you gotta put you " girl's problem" aside because we will be late at the restaurant, so prepare yourself .

You: I don't wanna go to the restaurant anymore.. Im not so hungry, i can cook you something at home if you want.

Chris : WHAT ? WHY ? We were supposed clubbing after the restaurant !! You were so excited earlier, what happened ?

You : Nothing it's just that i don't feel going out tonight, another time okay ?

Chris : * sad face* okay

You : Awww baby please don't be sad i'ill make it up to you next time, i promise ! :)

Chris : Why you just make it up to me right now * evil smile on his face, he starts to kiss on your neck making you shiver, you bit your lips*

You : Stop Chris im not in the mood

Chris : Damn what's wrong with you ?? Don't you think i didn't notice that you've changed since a few days !!

You : What do you mean ?

Chris : You're sad, upset for no reason, everytime i tried to be close to you, you pushed me away and you stop to feed yourself correctly !!!

You : You 're just frustrated because i don't satisfy your horny ass !!!

Chris : This has nothing to do with it !! I saw your article about diet.

You : * Ho shit !!* And ???

Chris : Girl, you are beautiful the way you are you don't need to do a damn diet * laughs a bit*

You : You are always surround by model !! I don't want that one of these girls stoles you from me !!

Chris : * turns you, now y'all are face to face* Baby it never gonna happen trust me

You : we'ill never know, how could you be so sur about this ?

Chris : dang girl have you forgotten how we met ?

You : Hell no !!

Chris : We were on the set of on my video clip and there were so many half naked models over there but i choose the makeup artist aka you. * he lift up your chin and pecks your lips*

You : But..

Chris : but nothin babe i love you, you own my heart, i'm yours and only yours.

You : * wrap your hand aroud his neck and kiss him passionately* I love you too baby.

Chris : Can we go now ?

You : Yep ! :D

Chris *slaps your butt* : I can't believe you tried to take that ass away from me, its mine damn it !!

You and Chris start to laughing, y'all decide go the restaurant and have a very nice night.

END :)

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