Chris Brown / BBW!reader part 1

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Chris pov

Its been almost a month since i hadnt seen my friend Y/n.  She doesnt answer to my calls or texts. She even refused to party with me, surprising from her when you know she loves parties.

I talked to Sasha her roomate, she said Y/n needed air. I didnt understand.

Sasha : she need space dude, it became hard for her to be around you
Chris : why ? What did i do?
Sasha : just give up ok?

I nodded but i had a plan to see her. Im gonna see her to her work.

I take my wraith and drive to her shop, park the car and walk toward the shop.

When i enter in, i start to look for her. I ask to one of her colleague where she is and she tells me that she takes her break in the back store. She leads me there and leaves us.

Ch : Y/n?
Y/n : ho....hey Chris wassup ?
Ch : its been a long time, i talked to Sasha because you seem to ignoring me, she said you need space ,i-i dont understand what does she mean?
Y/n: Sasha...( sighing)
Ch: talk to me damn it !! U can tell me anything u know that
Y/n : same for you Chris !!
Ch : what do u mean ?
Y/n : i meam stop lying ! assume your true feelings for me !!
Ch: i...u lost me..

What the hell is she talking about?

Y/n : At first I thought u were just too protective but at Wendy's party when u drag me away from ur buddy Red, it was clear
Ch : u think i was jealous ? Im not in love with you Y/n
Y/n : its not what im sayin Chris... Im just sayin u should think about whatchu really feel about me, i cant watch u banging hoes and dont allow me to see someome else i dont belong to you !!! My break is over i gotta go

As she is getting prepared to go back to work, i think about what she said. These last months i started to have new feelings for her, i didnt want her to be with other niggas. She was pure and these guys didnt deserve her. Then there was that night when we slept in the same bed. It felt so right like her place had to be there, next to me. But me being the stupid asshole that i am, i couldnt assum to be attract by a bbw. Or maybe i just wanted a nightstand with her. My feelings are so confused when its about Y/n.

Later that day i asked her to have a lil talk. I invited her to dinner in my house. It was great then after the dessert we sat in the living room and talk.

Chris : i dont know what i feel for ya exactly... Affection, love, its a mess in my head actually but im sure of one thing, ur my friend and i cant stop seeing you, i need you
Y/n : well its a begining , i need you too big head

We laugh and i pull her into a big hug, its been too much time that i didnt touch her or feel her body against mine or her fruity smell. As i was hugging her something hit me.

Chris : im so blind dayuuuum
Y/n : what?
Chris : i know why you needed some air, cause you like me !!!
Y/n : what make you think that?
Chris : u were distant 'cause u were scared that i didnt feel the same, assume ur feelings for me Y/n !
Y/n: i do like you, a lot and the fact that maybe you could feel the same makes me happy but... If you dont its ok just... Stop playing with my emotions

I hugged her tightly as i kissed her hair.

Chris : i'll neva do that i promise
Y/n : Good, shots ?

I chuckled and nodded, we drank all night and played videogames. We danced also and thats how we start calling friends and threw a party. it feels so good to have her back in my life even if i dont know exactly where we are now.


I hope y'all liked it, sorry for spelling mistakes :S

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