New imagine : Red carpet

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Chris pov

  Here i am, sitting in my limo with my girl by my side. She's gorgeous as fuck, i never feel so lucky to have her. Tonight we head to the Mtv music award, i've been nominates for best rnb male artist, best music video and best featuring. For this special occasion we decided to wear assorted outfit, she never hides me that her own style was mainly inspired by mine and it always makes me blush. Anyways as we finally arrived in front of the red carpet, a voice announces me and people start to scream, i turn my head to y/n she was shaky and obviously very nervous, i put my hand on her tigh.  

" y-yeah ?" she said almost inaudibly, lifting her head  

 " hey hey hey everything's gonna be ok" i said , trying to reassure her, she smiles and kisses me roughly, i kiss her back, wrapping my arms around her waist, it starts to get heated so pull back gently.  

" Damn babe not now" i said chuckling " I'll be here next to you ok ? if you feel nervous just grab my hand ok ?"  

" What if i-" she starts to say

 " If what ? We're gonna be late baby so you're gonna get your sexy ass out of this limo and walk proudly by my side, got it ?" i tell her more firmly.

I peck her cheek and open the car's door and get out of the limo, i extend my hand to her, she takes it hesitantly then i pull her out.  

I look the photographs who are calling my name, i do my job and smile to them, i lean in my girl's ear and said " Come on babe smile" and she responds sassily " And if i dont ?". She didnt choose the right moment to play with my emotions.  

" Well someone's gonna get her ass slapped" i said  

" promise ?" she answers teasingly  

i take a big breath, still smilling, trying to erase the naughty thoughts invading my mind, she's not gonna be able to walk properly tomorrow trust me.  

So we are walking hand to hand, taking poses and all then we arrive to the enter where a girl wearing not so lot of fabric is waiting for us. as we approach the girl, i can feel Yn tightens her grip, i pull her closer to me, she relaxes her hand.  

the girl starts to talk " hey this is your girl Ashley and Im with Chris Brown, How you doing?"  

" Im good thanks"  

" First congratulation for your 3 nominations, I see that you came with someone, who is it ?"  

" yeah thank you, thats my girlfriend Yn, the one and only"  

" Ho what about Kae ?"  

What a stupid bitch, i feel Yn's hand tightening  again  

" Well im with Yn now and she makes me happy, that's all matter" i said smilling then a man makes me sign to follow him, i said goodbye to Ashley and we left.  

As i though the tension could get down, we see Robyn coming toward us, she's fucking fine in her dress as always but the voice of Yn cursing makes me come down to earth.  

" You're drooling fucker" Yn mumbles  

"dont be jealous, i love you and only you"  

I cup her face and give her a tender kiss, our first kiss in public actually. When i turn my head Robyn wasnt here anymore as i feel Yn's tongue licking my lobe making me groan softly. Its gonna be a long night, i cant wait to be alone with her.

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