Le festival de Cannes

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I know its been awhile since i wrote something sorry guys, i hope you'll like it, enjoy !


You're an a very famous actress and your last movie was nominated for the Cannes festival, you are in your big suit hotel trying beautiful dress from _______(your favorite fashion designer), you opted for a lace mesh long dress, sexy but fancy. Then your hairstylist and makeup artist come in your room. After they finished, you put on your dress and your assistant brings you the jewel from Swaroski, it was a jewelry adornment with diamond. You put it on take your purse and left your hotel room. A limo is waiting for you in front of your hotel, you get in and drive to the festival.

When you arrive, a lady greats you and let you start to walk on the famous red carpet. It was your first time in Cannes and you were very happy. You start to pose and smile for the photographers. Before you climb on the stairs a journalist comes to you and asks you few questions about the movie and all then he said.

- I see you came alone, where is your boyfriend ?

- Actually i dont have any, thanks to remind me, you answer playfully.

- Oh i'm sorry, well if you could bring your celebrity crush with you who could it be?

Blush start to appear on your cheek, you run your fingers in your long hair (extension) and say " Well.. i think i'd bring Chris Brown". The journalist was kinda surprise.

- I didnt know you like bad boy ?

- Well he looks sexy in suit so, you said bitting your lips.

- All the ladies out there can tell you're right, so have a nice festival good luck and thank you Y/n !

You thank him and climb the stairs, all eyes on you, it was your moment of glory and you savour every minutes of it.

On the other side of the world Chris was randomly zapping when he saw you in your dress making him stop zappping. He heard everything and was pleased to hear it. You didnt know yet but you were his celebrity crush too. He had to answer you so he turns on his tweeter account and post something :

"@Y/n is so beautiful in her _________ (fashion designer) 's dress, i wish i could be with her at Cannes festival, it would be a honor for me thank you girl."

Later when you saw the tweet you were so glad, a door was open and now all you got to do is step in. You call out your assistant and told her to set a date with Chris.

The next day, as you decide to check your tweeter you see another post from Chris, you can feel already the butterflies in your stomach. As you start to read your smile fades away.

" who the hell you think you are @Y/n, acting like a fucking diva i dont need this i have other stuff to care about "

What was his fucking problem ? You were so mad, you answer him immediatly starting a war on tweeter, driving your fans crazy. You were so dispointed, what happen?


Its short sorry but i hope you stilp enjoyed it xx

End Bonus !

" Hey um..Sarah-" Y/n said snaping her fingers like i was her damn dog. I sigh but came.
"It's Amber..."
"Yeah um.. watever Annie you need to set me up a date with Chris ok, he is so into me Yahoooo !" Y/n orders me dancing like dumbass.

I take my phone and calls Chris's assistant and tells him " Miss Y/n wanted to say thanks to Chris for his tweet but she doesnt actually like him at all, she just wanna catch more attention, she doesnt want have to do anything with him" the person on the other side of the phone didnt speak, i wanted to laugh. " that's all ?" He asks, i said yes and add " Im sorry to tell you that, my boss is such a bitch" i then hang up.

End !! Haha dont be mad at me lovelies 😂😙

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