Chris brown/BBW!reader part 2

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Your pov

You were in a club and there was that drunk dude who was holla at you, you didnt want to talk to him but he insisted, you tried to walk away but he followed you. Then from nowhere you felt two hands around your waist.

" hey babe u're here !! Everything is ok? " he said kissing your cheek it was Chris, you sight of relief.

" Well actually i was looking for you" you said playing the game by wrapping your arms around him.

When you turned your head, the drunk bastard was out of view, you looked back to Chris and y'all chuckled. Then your song of the moment played and he said " dance with me "baby" haha". Then you danced together and ground, things get heated, he felt it too and pulled away.

" im gonna get some drinks, u want some ?" he asked.

"hum.. Hu-y-yeah sure."

Later you headed to your place and it was getting late so he slept in your house like usual but it was weird now that y'all know your real feelings for eachother.

" i aint gonna touch ya dont worry, i just wanna sleep sweetie" he said kissing your nose.

You nodded and you laid in your bed.

The next morning you were snuggling in eachother arms, like usual but it felt twice better since you know everything. When he woke up he smiled at you with his pearly white teeth, grinning hard, you grinned back.

" Damn ur so beautiful" he said rubbing your face.

" ur beautiful too haha"

Chris pov

Everytime i woke up next to her i wanna kiss her and cuddle but i cant and this morning its twice harder than the other cause i know it could hurt her if im too touchy.


As i was chilling in my house i received a text from my ex, it ended bad and i always hopped that she will take me back but she never did it and now she said "I miss you.". I do miss her too but we are always on/off, i like being single no drama. Im so confuse so i call my bestie Y/N, it wasnt a good idea.

You: r u fucking kidding me ?

Chris : thats crazy hu?

You : r u tryin to make me jaelous by bringing back that bitch ?!!

Chris : Whatchu talking about ?? Listen i dont know what to do? It ended bad i wanna fix that u know... Make up

You : u wanna go back with her?

Chris : no....yes... I mean maybe but not now, we need to fix our problems first ya know what im sayin?

You : i swear to God if u go back with her ur done with me Christopher !!

Chris : hu ? What ? Why ? Damn i thought it was cool between us !

You : it is... I dont want you to go back with her you know how it will end

Chris : It could be my last chance i should take it right ?

You : Or u should start something new with someone else.

Chris : u mean you ?

You : or someone else... But not her

Chris : ya know we are just gonna talk nothing else i swear

You : yeah wateva...

As she was about to leave the livingroom she splits all her glasses on het dress. I take her upstair and lend her one of my shirt. When she goes out from the bathroom i was changing in my bedroom for my date with my ex. I was about to put my shirt on but stop when i saw her.

" Damn ur hot in my shirt" i said loudly but i didnt want her to hear it.

" i know right ? Haha ur gonna put this on? Really? U said u were just talking with her !!!" she said angrily..

" what !! Its a rules to look good when you see ur ex,  it mean " look watchu miss bitch !"" i said.

She laugh and comes closer.

" Well put this one then" she extends me the shirt, our hands touch for a second, shit this sexual tension is killing me.

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