le festival de Cannes part 2

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After two days of war with Chris you decide to stop answering him, it was to childish for you and you didnt want to play his game. Your film didnt get any award and it makes you ever more upset so you decide to go in a club tonight, you look through all the invitations for apparences and you choose Loréal one, they'd give a bag full of makeup and you never say no to free stuff. After all it was the best part of your job getting free stuff just because you're famous.

You arrive at the party event and take pictures with some models and celebrities then you hear photographers screaming Chris's name. You turn your around and see him "ho great" you think. You start to walk fast toward the entry but someone stops you and leads you next him, he pulls an arm around your waist, you and Chris exchange quick glare and fake smile and take some pictures together.

- why are you here ? You ask through your teeth
- I've been invited dumbass
- you know what just dont talk to me ok
- yeah watever

He lets you go and you enter into the party event. There were champagne, free gift and good music. You chat with ramdoms people, making contact and of course you cant help but look at Chris sometimes. He was always surrounded by beautiful and tall super models. You were jealous like crazy, if he wasnt such a dick he would be with you by now.
Chris notices it but never shows it, he was so happy to get you jaelous but he didnt understand why because your assistant told him horrible things from your part. At the end of the party Chris and you left at the same time. He then says " did you change your mind?" You didnt hear him at the begining you were trying to ignore him.

- what are tou talking about ? You says irritated.
- you said you dont like me but you watched me all night, he has a big smile on his face and you wanted to smack him now.
- hu ? Look why dont you stop stalking me ok !
- omg are you serious ? You're the stalker not me ! Acting weird as fuck, Damn ! He shakes his head and add "and i was ready to forgive you".
Your blood boiled and you scream " fuck you Christopher !" And you left, everybody was watching you, Oops.

You wait for your car to pick you up and see your assistant dressed all sexy, hugging Chris. You rise an eyebrow, tighten your jaw " what the fuck ?".

You were supposed to go back to your hotel but you decide to follow them, maybe he was right, you are the stalker now. You follow them to a club, they enter in. You go back to your hotel and sleep. The next Morning you were waiting for your assistant because you were about to go back in L.A. She was late and it was getting on your nerve. You called her but she didnt answer. You then call Chris' assistant.

- hello ?
- hi its Y/n is Anni- no hm... Abby is she with Chris ?
- i dont know
- can i talk to him please?
- seriously? He chuckles.
- i just want my assistant ok !
- yeah yeah, i'll send you his number, he laughs now.
- thank you bye, you hang up, Asshole !

You dial his number and wait. He picks up the phone and you can hear you woke up him.

- he...llo ?
- hi hm.. its y/n
- its too early for excuses-
- keep dreaming big head, is abby with you ?
- who ?
- My assistand dummy !
- dont yell at me ok !
- is she with you or nah?
- ha ha first your assistant's name aint Abby, i cant believe you dont know her name she is working for you, girl ! And no she aint with me, why did you think she'll be with me by the way?
- i saw you last night with her going to- i just saw you , you slap your face in your palm.
- stalker, stop spying me it becomes creepy now, he chuckles softly.
- well if she is calling you tell her that we leave at 10 am, or i would leave without her, her ass better be here soon
- What ? you're leaving ? Already ?

Then the door got open you see Amber coming. You said goodbye at Chris and yell at her.

- you're late !
- i know im sorry i was with Chris all night i didnt see the time sorry, i got this for you.

She brought your favourite pastries and when she does that you always forgive her. But deep inside you were wondering what did she do last night because obviously she was lying to you or maybe Chris lied.

To be continued....

Thanks for reading 😁😄😁

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