Le festival de Cannes part 3

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You were at the airport waiting for your plane when you saw that it was canceled, you were very pissed, your stay at Cannes wasnt as good as you wanted and you wanted to leave and going back to Los angeles. You screamed on Amber and told her to book you another plan as soon as possible, you didnt want to be mean with her now, you were just angry. She threw you a dark glare before going to the reception. You opened your phone and tweeted " stuck at the airport". Then a minute later you received a text from Chris, you sight, it said " wats goin on ?" You answered " why r you askin ? Not ur problem", he then sent you " Is everything ok?'', you sent " yeah my flight is just canceled", since that text he never texted you back. In fact he just wanted to know if you were safe, although you said you didnt like him he can help but still care about you. Since that party he still think he got a chance but he wont do anything because for him you're the one who need to do apologize.

Amber came back an half and hour you sigh again and said " what tooke you so long girl !" She said " im sorry but there are other people in that airport ok i had to wait, so your other plane is tomorrow-".

" i cant wait until tomorrow ! Do something buy someone's ticket who leave earlier !" You scream at her, yep you were acting like a diva with your assistants but they signed for it.

" i aint doing that ok ! Actually i got enough of your behaviour, im not a damn dog !" Amber said angrily. People started to look at y'all, ho ho.

"Sshhhh stop yelling" you whispered as you gripped her arm. " look im sorry but i told you i was demanding and you know what it means in hollywood so, be a good assistant and do what i say" you said softly. She pulled away her arm and said " you need to stop thinking you're a fucking queen ok, you can't buy someone else's ticket like that, we will leave tomorrow at 9 am, i will book you a massage it will calm you, ok ?".

Amber was right for once, you tooke a long breath and nodded. You called a taxi for both of you and drove back to your hotel.

Amber pov

I let the other dumbass with her stupid massage and call Chris in the bathroom.

- hello ?

- hi Chris its Amber how you doing ?

- im good, you ?

- it could be better, i start to whimper, my boss is yelling at me all the time for no reason i...i just... i cant take it anymore, what should i do ? I cant quit i need that job

- Aww poor thing im so sorry to hear that, i never thought that Y/n could be such pain in the ass, he chuckles softly, you know what, if you got nothing to do you should come chill with me !

I'm dancing in the bathroom im so happy, soon he will be mine and i could finally leave that damn job. He then says we should go on a boat there were a party there, he sent me the invitation for the dress code, white outfit, so classy but i dont care. I then go out from the bathroom and tell to miss bossy over there that i wanted to go some shopping she lets me leave.

I go to my hotel room and change my clothes, i put a white bikini with a long mesh white dress and white high heels. I do my hair and my makeup, take my stuff and go. Chris was already here waiting for me like gentelman. He was so hot in his white outfit. We climb in his car and drive to the harbour. We walk to the boat, a blond hostess greats us with a glace of champagne, im feeling like a star right now.

15 minutes later the boat leave the harbour and slowly moves away. There is a lot of people in that boat, the music is good as fuck. We walk toward a couch ans sit. A waitress comes with a bottle of alcohol, Chris said " woa thank you, where does it come from we didn't order yet?' He looks at me, i shake my head " Not me". The waitress point a girl rising her glass with a wink " It's from her ".


To be continued

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