Chris Brown ft Y/N

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You are a new singer in the game but you got lot of success already, your fans followed you since you started to sing cover on your youtube account. A Label noticed you and now you are working on your 3rd single. You decide to post a teaser on your instagram. The next day as you go to studio, your producer tells that someone want to do a featuring with you on your last song. You ask him who is it but he just says "it's a surprise". When you open the door you see Chris Brown sits on a chair, he turns his head and smiles at you "Hi y/n ! Nice to meet you finallly !". He stands up and walks toward you, he opens his arm to hug you, you were so chocked to see him in real. He gave you the passion, he was your inspiration and now he was here standing in front of you. You couldnt help but start to cry as you throw yourself in his arm. He wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back "hey it's ok, it's ok". You hug him tight as you can then when the tears stop, you let him go. You whip your tears away.

-im so-im sorry im so happy to see you, im such huge fan, im singer because of you, oh my god im gonna cry again, you chuckle.

When you feel better you and Chris start to work on the song. It was just you and him, locked in a studio for hours.

It start to getting latr so y'all stop working.

- we can continue this tomorow ? Chris asks you as he puts on his jacket.
- yeah of course, thank you again i mean i never thought you would do duet with me.
- you've got such beautiful voice, i love your work actually how i could not do a song with you, it's an honored for me, he said playfully, you hit him on the arm.
- yeah yeah watever ! You start to rub your stomack, groaning, Dude im so hungry, wanna go dinner with me ?
-sure lets go !

Of course the next hour pictures of you and Chris hanging out were all over the news.

Later the song came out and soon it became hit. Chris and all staff decide to throw a party to celebrate this, he invited you and you spent hours in your closet trying to find something nice to wear. Your bestfriend couldn't stop making fun of you.

-why are you laughing ? Are you ready yet ?
- almost, but girl seriously it aint the Oscar ! Its just a party ! Hurry up ! She said, bruqhing her hair.
- i know i know im sorry, im just so nervous... it's Chris brown !
-Aaargh ! She rolled her eyes, i forgot you were in love with him
- Shut up !

The party was awesome, chris dancing with you or trying to make you laugh.
Y'all are now on the balcony, talking and laughing, alone.

-you're really pretty tonight, i mean you're always pretty not just tonight...well you know what i meant, he scratches the back of his head, blushing.
-awwe thank you.

You just looking into eachother eyes, no words exchanging.

-ahem so you think we could..i dunno...hanging out together even if our song is done, i spent good time with you
- of course i'd love to ! You answered.

You werent dating yet but it was just a question of time, Chris already liked you.


This one is short sorry.
Thanks for reading and voting for all my stories im so glad you liked them. Thanks for following me too. Xoxo luv y'all ! ❤❤❤

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