Match it ! part 2

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It was lunch time, you were eating with your friend Bella. She was reading the menu through, drooling.

- what you gonna eat y/n ?
- I don't know... do you remember Chris ?
- yeah why?
- im gonna meet him in real
- really? When?
- I didn't ask him yet, do you think he would accept?
- why not ! You guys are friends after all or....? She is smirking, wiggling her eyebrows.

You and Chris were close for sure but there is no romance between the two you, officially. You like that person he was all you wanted as a friend but as a boyfriend also. Sometimes you and Chris get flirty but it's just for fun. You are very confused about this relationship. Bella told you to ask him anyway you can't regret what you never did.

You lunch the app and send him a message, he wasn't online but you couldn't wait, he was a very busy person. He told you he works in music industries but it's all. He never talk about his work. Actually you didn't know much about his life, you never pushed him to talk you wanted to let him open to you when he will want. But you, you told him everything you trust him and wanted to show him he could say anything to you. Yeah, you like him a lot.

Chris was in his studio when he received your message, when he red it he was happy but sad at the sad time. Of course he wants to meet you and having fun with you.
What he loves about talking through this app is he can be someone more ordinary. He wasn't the big super star Chris Brown. He knew you weren't acting fake like some people do because of his celebrity. He didn't want to break this. And for all these reasons he preferred not to see you.

On the other hand, he could have the chance to spend time with a new faboulous person. His circle of true friends wasn't that big, he need a new member in it. He thought about your message all day, he even call his mom. She told him it was risky, that you could  turn to into another vulture. She knows how much ladies love her son. She heard only good thing about you so she told him to think about it, not closing all the doors.

Later at night a notification pops up on your phone it was Chris. Your heartbeat speed up suddenly " ok breath y/n ".

CB0589 : hi baby girl ! I didn't answer you I was working sorry
Miss_Breezy: it's ok, wanna meet me ? We could go for a walk or eat at restaurant or just a drink?
CB0589 : don't you be afraid that I could be a killer or something?
Miss_breezy: it's been 6 months dude ! You ain't a damn serial killer ! 😂  Look I don't force you into anything it's ok if you ain't ready

CB0589 is writing....

To be continue

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