Just for you

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Chris pov

I just ended a studio session and now i want to see my new girlfriend for 1 month now. I climb into my car and drive to her place. I park the car and ring to her house. She opens the door and smile happily " hey Chris" she sings song. She lets me enter and close the door behind me. I then turn around and wrap my arms around her waist she wraps her hands around my neck and pecks my lips. I kiss her back deepening the kiss as my hands find its way down her ass, i grab it earning a moan. I slip my tongue in her mouth and explore her wet cavity i felt her tongue join mine and rubing against it, making me moan this time. We pull away half panting, a dumb wild smile on our face, we giggle.

She invites me to sit on her couch with her.

- whatchu doing y/n?
- nothing shopping online but im not sure there is nothing that caught my eyes.
- change the website then
- its the 6th website baaaae ! Its just im too scare its too big or too thin i need to try before buying it but it seems only nice things are online, she sighs, looking sad.
- i prefer you without clothes anyway.

She laughs as i close her laptop. I stand up and extend my hand :

- where are we going?

I didnt answer i just lead her to bedroom she then says "hooo ok" she chuckles.

Your pov

After your lil intercourse with your boyfriend Chris, you are wake up by his voice, he talks on the phone " hm hm...yeah...okay...okay see you tomorrow ho dont forget the-" he looks down at you and adds " hum..hu i call you later" and he hangs up. You pull the cover up to your chest and you sit up like him.

- who was this ?
- a friend, you are hungry?

Wow he just dodge the question a friend tss you know his ass is lying but you dont want to accuse me without evidence.

Few days later he calls you to me meet him at a misterious place, he gives you the adress and you drive there. When you arrive Chris is already waiting for you outside. He want to hug you but you just avoid him.

- Whats going on babe, you'v been distance lately? He asks cocking his head.
- you tell me ! The whispers, the secrets, you're the one being distant not me !

He chuckles and takes your small hand in his.

- Why are you laughing ? You ask angrily
- shut up and follow me

Y'all walk through a long hallway and at the end there is a door. He opens it, letting you enter first.

You drop his hand to cover your mouth.

- O my god Chris !!
- Suprise !!

Chris prepared a showroom just for you during the last days, you couldnt believe it, all these clothes, these shoes and accessories only for the one he loves so much. You start to feel bad for being distance.

- im sorry babe, you said hug him hard.
- i guess you'll make it up to me tonight,he winks at you making you blush like he always does.

You walk toward the clothes swinging your hips sensually as you take off your shirt. You turn around and say in a low voice " Why shouldnt i just make it up to you...now".

End !!!!

I hope you liked it, vote and comments :)

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