New imagine : Can't be friends part 1

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Y/n pov

I woke up feeling two strong arms around me. I turned around to see no one else but the famous rnb singer Chris Brown. He was peacefully sleeping, then all da memories started to come back, how we met and all. I smiled to myself pretty proud of myself i mean its not like all women could brag about having sex with him. Then i remember what i lost by fucking with him and my smile just faded away. I guess my groupie side tooke da best of me. Anyway what its done its done i will get over it. As i was lost in my thought he started to open his eyes, he smiled merely at me, i melted in his smile.

"Good mornin' sunshine" he said pecking my lips. " did you sleep well?" a grin acrossed his face, he knew already the answer.

I said " haha very funny....but just to be clear... Did we... You know, last night ?"

He chukled slightly at me, pressing his warm palm on my cheek, his thumb making circle on it. He pressed his forehead on mine looking intensely into my eyes. I could read lust in it and the way he bited his bottom lips told everything about we did last night but he spoke "yes we did it... Twice in fact " then we laught.

After an hour we decided to get up and take our breakfast. We were in his hotel's room. He got luxious taste but i didnt complain he's so friggin rich. We talked while we ate, laught to be exact he is so goofy just like me, its like talking with a friend.

" im gonna take a shower you wanna join me ?" he asked me, my jaw droped, he chuckled " what ?? Do i have to remind you that i already see you naked?" he added.

" i didn't forget but last night was last night, it was awesome but i think we should stop there" i said calmely as i could, the idea of sharing a shower with him creating pool in my panties.

Then i felt his hand traveling my thigh and snakering between my legs, i gasped in anticipation then he started to rub me through the fabric of my underwear.

" so wet... U're such a liar y/n"

"Hmm...shut up"

" Come on i know you want it, your body cant lie to me" he then whispered in my ear " stop resisting there's nothing wrong trust me" he rubbed me faster and harder, i was so exited i couldn't take it anymore, i crashed my lips on his hard. We made out wildly, we stood up and walked to da bathroom, we closed the door and did our thing in there, i didn't regret it.

Few hours later i told him that i have to go he looked a little sad or maybe i was dreaming it. He kissed me a last time, letting me his number " if one day u got nothing to do" he winked at me, what a dork. "thanks sexy" i giggled and i went out, pushing my by a slap on my butt " hey !!", " A last for da road!".

***** 3 months later*****

I still see Chris we are sex friends, i thought that i would fall for him but i didnt, not yet.

Chris pov

I love fucking y/n but im back with my girlfriend Jasmine so i got to stop our arrangement. I can't cheat on my girlfriebd again this is my last chance.

As i drove to y/n's place i received a text from her, its a picture of her, she's wearing a very sexy lingerie, the text said " i cant wait to feel ya baby hurry up". I swallowed hard, heat rushing into my blood, im gonna fuck her brain out..shit i will tell her tomorrow.

When i arrived there, i knock on her door eager to jump on her bones then she opened it, all man why she isn't naked yet ?

" Hey chris come in" she said she was cold, pissed, that's not good.

"what's goin on ?" i asked.

"this" she put her phone on my face, a picture of me and Jasmine from instagram saying " We meant to be together". Ho fuck !!

" i was about to tell ya...but ya sent me dis nasty pics of you and all i wanted to do was sorry please don"t be mad" i pleaded.

" i told you i can't be your chick side ok...i cant you know why !" she yelled at me she neva yelled before.

" i know i know... It's been only 4 days dat we started to date again, please i cant loose u, we're besties" i said, doing my puppy eyes.

She sight and hugged me " fine! But no more lies ok ?", i said yes and we spent the day, hanging out like true friends do.

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