Suprise ! surprise !

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Your boyfriend Chris Brown is on a tour since almost a month so lately he invited you to spend some times with him for few days. But chris really missed you so you decided to go visiting him a little bit earlier. You entered in his hotel room and changed in lacy undies. You did your makeup and your hair, you looked yourself in the mirror in of the big bathroom, you were beautiful and very sexy, for sure he will jump on you when he will see you.

Chris had practice so you were waiting for him on his bed, passing time by watching series on netflix. After an hour you heard a click from the door, a smile appeared on your face. You started to get very excited, you laid your body on the side, your hand holding your head ans your legs were lightly acrossed. The door opened and you saw him, but he wasnt alone.

He was with a young woman, you covered yourself with the cover.

-omg ! Scream the young woman.
- what the.... babe what are you doing here ? Asked Chris all blushing.
-honestly i dont know, i should leave..., you whispered. You stood up and ran into the bathroom.

The woman left you and chris alone. Chris knocked kn the door, begging you to open it, on your side, you were getting dress, crying . You were angry but so sad at the sams time. You really thoight he was done with his shit. You whipped your tezrsnoff and opened the door. You tried to pass him but he blocked you against the wall.

- baby it's really not what you think, pleasz you got to believe me, he begged you. You couldnt look him in the eyes.
- let me go Chris, you said coldly.
- no i can't ! I love you please stay.

You  pushed him hard and ran towatd the door. You were about to leave but he slammed the door making you jump, you started to be effrayed.

-please Chris let me go, please please, you said crying hard.
- no , you need to listen to me, i didnt cheat on you i swear, he turned you around gently. Babe looke at me, he lift your head up by your chin.

When he looked at you, he saw fear in your eyes so he let you go.

- are scared ?why are scared ? He asked angrily.
- please. You were shaling like hell.
- omg you think im gonna hit you ? Really ? I can't believe it !

He was screaming and walking around in the room and you, you were to scared to leave, you were froze.

- i thought you trusted me ! You know i will never touch you ! I...  he sight.
- i know this ok ! But you also said that you'll never cheat on me, but you were wrong, i caught you and you still deny it ! You think im stupid ! You screamed suddenly, all the thing you could say were out now, you started to feel a little better.

Chris walked toward his nightstand and opened it. He tooke a little box from it and gave it to you. You opened it, it was ring in gold with diamond on it, a big one.

- the girl you saw was the jeweler, i wanted to give her back the box because i prefered the other one.
- no no no, you lied ! You started to feel bad for accusing him.
- ho come on babe, he wrapped his arms around your waist. You hugged him and apologized to him.
- shhhh it's ok, it's ok, he rubbed your hair and kissed your head.
- But i ruin everything !
- naaah !

He then leant in and kisses you tenderly. He then laid you on the bed y'all had a passionate night.

His phone vibrated on the table, he tooke it quickly, not wanting to wake you. He opened his message and read it, he then sent " we can't do this anymore, my gf came earlier than i thought, it was fun canceled my number, bye naughty girl".


Thanks for reading, vote and comment xoxo lovelies !

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