My Partner

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You're in class and the chemstry teacher was sitting behind his deck making partners for a big homework. You hope you will be with your best friend y/bff/n , you turn your head and smile at her, she smiles back at you. You hear her name followed by another one, that's not yours, you sigh "aaargh ". Then you hear your followed by  Chris's name. You rolled your eyes. Everybody knows that he sucks at chemistry and he got good grades only because all the gurls are in love with him so he just has to ask. Then the bell rings and everybody packs their stuff and leaves the classroom.

At the end of the day you walk to your locker nd you see Chris waiting for you.

-hey Y/n i was thinking...maybe we should work at my house, my parents ain't there, chris said smiling at you.
-yeah watever...
-what's wrong ?
- never mind
- no tell me, we can't work if you're upset about something, this homework is very important i can't fail.
- exactly ! You know what i do all the work, you don't have to pretend it's important to you !
-but it is !
- i know all your ex partner did all the work !
- it's not even like that, you dont know me !

You want to shut him down but you gotta work with him anyway so you just shake your head. You follw him to his car, you sigh again. Chris was hot and rich, life seems unfair suddenely. When y'all arrive and enter in his house, a old woman great y'all, Chris told her that she could leave. It was weird but you let it slide away.

You and Chris head to his bedroom and settle at his desk. As you guys working you here noises from the other room but chris doesn't seem to pay attention to it then later you hear again noises.

-is there anybody else with us Chris ?
- N-no no, let's get back to work ok.

Then you hear loud boom, Chris stands up fast and runs away "hey where are you going man !" AAARGH Chris ! God damn it !" You scream out but he answers " dont move i'll be right back !" As he leaves. You wait for him for like it seems forever, even if Chris seems to do his part for this homework, you need him. You decide to look for him through his big ass home. You found him playing with a little girl. He is hugging her and kissing her forhead, tickling her sometiles making laugh. You couldn't help but find this very cute, you smile at the scene.

He picks her up and put her in her bed " time for nap sweet heart". He then starts to sing for her, her little eyes close slowly. When she falls asleep he stands up and sees you, arms crossed. He frowns his eyebrows and walk fast toward you, he looks upset, ho ho. He grabs your arms hard and pull you out, dragging you in his bedroom "hey ! Leave alone , you hurt me !" You whimper. He throw you on his bed.

- i told you to stay here ! He growls. You sit up.
- wtf man ! Calm down !
- shut up !
- first you, you shut up, second , who was the child ?
- it''s my sister
- i thought you were the only child ?
- watever that's not your business anyway, i just want-

"Daddy "

Y'all turn around and see the little girl from earlier, he runs toward her and pick her up.

-daddy ? Really Chris ?
-arg...yeah, fuc- she is my daughter, but you gotta to keep it to yourself !
-of course i will. What's her name ?
- i think that's enough, chris says, rubbing his daughter's head.
- ho daddy dont wanna talk, gonna ask her, what's your name beautiful ?
-Woyalty !
-Roro no ! Chris said before slaping his face, you chuckle.
- ho what a beautifuk name ! I am Y/n, nice to meet you Royalty ! Chris i can finish this if you want, go take care of her, i'll be fine.'re too good, thank you Y/n. Come on baby we gonna play with you're barbies !
- omg you play with babrbies ?
- hu hu shush shush !

So you finish the homework alone, it was long but you did it and you felt proud of you. When you're done you pack your stuff and go down to the living room. Chris was watching the tv, alone.

-she sleeps finally ? You ask as you siy next to him.
-yeah, she got too much energy, he sighs, thank you for doing the work by yourself, i was thinking about invite you to eat here with me ! He said happily. You accept, call your mom to let her know. Ya'll order _____(your favorite food) and eat on the couch talking and laughing. After dinner, you decide to watch a movie. Your head was resting on his shoulder as he's stroke your soft hair, you shake your head, he stops. Later he stroke your hair again, you start to feel uncomfortable, you sit up.
-ahem i...i gotta now before my parents kill me . You said half laughing.
-ho..ok, thanks for staying with me, see you at school then.
He drives you home and ask you out before you left his car, you accepted and go back to your house.

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Happy holidays lovelies ♡

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