Le festival de Cannes last part

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Her face was priceless, you couldn't be more happy and it was just the begining. You saw Chris waving at you and Amber still in shocked. You gave them a big bright smile and sip on your drink.

Chris turned his head to Amber and said " You didnt tell me that your boss was here to- are you ok ?". Amber shooke his hand and stood up quiclky " i-i didnt know either....excuse me a minute". He watched her walking away toward her boss, his eyes felt slowly on the bottom of her naked back then her butt, he licked his lips unconsciously. He couldn't deny the attraction he got for her, Amber was a beautiful young woman all the men always looking at her and he was kind of flattered that she chose him.

When she reached you she greated you shyly, you could tell she was embarrassed as hell to see you here.

- Do you have fun Amber ?
- i...i tho-thought you were at your massage ?
- And i thought you were doing some shopping ?
- i was going to but Chris called me and invited me.
- Really ? You asked, knowing damn well she was lying to you.
- Ye-yeah, you wanna join us ?
- absolutly not, i hate this bastard, be carefull honey

And you left her alone. She walked back to Chris and sat.

- is everything ok ? Chris asked, wrapping his arm around her. She nodded and tooke another sip of her glass. He was really sad for her. Lets hit the dancefloor ok ! She accepted and they danced together.

You were watched them carefully, making eyes contact with Chris all the time then suddenely left. Chris let Amber pretending to go to the restroom but in fact he wanted to find you and he did. You were in the swimming pool of the boat in your sexiest bikini. He sat on the edge, trying to memorize every part your body, he found you perfect.

- Hey, he said simply.
- ho Chris you here ? What a nice weather dont you think ?
- yeah...hum.. I dont know what you are doing here but please leave Amber alone, she is feeling really low lately.
- What happens between me and my employees is not your business Chris, you were swimming toward him, giving him a good view of your cleavage.
- Why are acting like this hu ? We did nothing to you !
- nothing ? Really ? Did you forget all the horrible thing you said on me on tweeter ! You start that stupid war !
- me ? It was you ! " she doesnt actually like him at all, she just wanna catch more attention, she doesnt want have to do anything with him" does it sound familiar to you ?
-No !
- you're a fucking liar, you know what dont ever talk to me again, got it ! And leave Amber alone !

When he said her name, it hit you, she is the one who start all this mess, it became clear for you but Chris was already walking away. You jumped out of the swimming pool and ran after him " Chris wait !" But he didnt turn around. You stopped running, catching your breath. Whatever you could say he would never believed you, the only way was to convince Amber to tell the truth.

Amber pov

Chris came back few minutes later, he seemed angry.

- wassup ? I asked.
- i tried to talk with Y/n but she wont listen, always acting like dumb bitch...
-you tell me ha ha.... what did she say ?
- she accused me to start all this but she does, anyway she doesnt matter to me anymore.

That's all i wanted to hear, it was now or never, i came closer to him and leant in. We kissed slowly and i made sure that a photographe was here and miss Y/n too. When we pulled away i saw her miserable sad face. I was laughing inside, after all the bad thing she did to me, it's all she deserves.

End pov

When the party was over and boat was back on the harbour everybody left ship, Chris and Amber were walking down the stairs hand to hand. Paparazzi were here flashing them trying to discover who was the girl on his arm and all. Amber wanted to live in the light and now she was all in.

You, on the other side, were pissed as fuck and you decide to make her busy all day, you did want her to spend another minute with Chris.

- I know what are trying to do Y/n !
- you are supposed to serve me, it's your job, if you dont like it then quit, you said quietly. Actually you should talk to me otherwise im your boss not your friend.
- maybe im gonna quit !
- you know when i hired you, i did it cause you were the best, i mean you're good assistant, i dont wanna loose you but i cant force you to stay. You actually mean it, she was the best for you, you were considering her like a friend but now you see her real face, she was degusting you and before firing her you wanted to make her live hell.
- Why dont you admit that you're just jealous cause Chris like me and not you !
- Im not and i will never be, now go get me some pastries would you, hurry up !

She growled and left, smacking the door. As you were doing yoir bags you noticed a phone that wasnt yours on the bed. You smile deviously, it was Amber's phone.

You tooke it and opened it, you look through her texts message and calld but you find nothing. You sight heavly "maybe i should move on, fire that bitch and forget this bastard of Chris" you told to yourself.

Chris pov

About 7pm i received a text from Y/n, it said " i want to apologize, can i call you please ?" .

"I dont wanna talk you im still mad at you" i sent back.

"I know some things that you need to know, can i call you please ?".

Ok now im too curious man " ok but make it quick".

I click on her name and call her, she picked up " what do you want? Hello ?" I hear voices, she is not alone, i reconize Amber's sweet voice.

-I gave you some much chances to tell me the truth Amber but noooo you still lie right on my face ! Im done you're fired !
- I don't care ! I dont need you anyway, soon i'll have all the things i want !
- really ? And how ?
- when me and Chris will be official i'll have all the attention that i need to be famous, his rich ass will buy anything i want !!
-Did you hear it Chris ?
-what? Amber said confused.
- Chris is listening everything, Y/n said proudly
- liar !
- i think this for you bitch, Y/n said.

Then i hear Amber voice more clearly.

-Chris is that you ?
- How could you....
- im sorry i didnt mean to say it like that, i swear !
- We're done bye.

I wanted to throw my phone on the wall, that bitch clearly played me and i saw nothing. I decide to make a lil nap because i was too upset. When i woke up i saw that Amber tried to call me 30 times and a message from Y/n.

"Im really sorry for all of this, i hope you're ok. xx"

I can''t help but smile to this text, i text her back immediatly.

" i guess i'll be fine, wanna cheer me up ?"

" just tell me where and when, and i'll be there"

End pov

You and Chris meet up in a very chic restaurant, you guys dinner and talk a lot that night, y'all are good now but the way to Chris' heart will be long. After dinner y'all take a walk and then go on your separate way. The next morning you were wake up by Chris' low voice whishing you a good flight. Amber and you exchange no word since last night even if she tried to apologize to you because she knows her carreer was over now, nobody messes with Y/n y/l/n.

End !

Thanks for reading this story im glad you liked it y'all xoxo.

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