Young girl looking for roomate asap

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When you decide to leave in your own appartment, you wanted to live in with your best friend ______ (your best friend name) but unfortunately she/he decided, at last minute, to live with his/her lover. So you had to post an advert for another roomate.

The next day you receive some candidates. The first one was a girl in College named Jane, good student, her parents were rich so it wont never have any problem of rent. Plus She seemed nice, you wanted to stop here but you had to give a chance to the others.

The second one was a couple, you didnt expect them but at least it makes less rent to pay so you let them enter and talk with them. It was a nice a couple but they couldnt stop arguing about everything, you couldnt imagine live with them.

Then the last person was a young man, tall and very nice looking. Y'all sat at the table in the kitchen. He was a dancer but with no contract.

-Chris you know you gotta pay a rent right ? You asked him.
-yeah yeah i know i had a side work, im a coach. He answered happily.
- in sport hall right ?
-hm...of course, he sais hesitantly. You sight.
-look if im looking for a roomate its only because i can afford this appartment for all myself, if you can pay me then you should leave.
-i just started there for a week, dont worry about the money i'll always pay you on time i promise, i really need this appartment, he paused for a moment and looked at the window. He then looked right into your eyes, you could feel your cheeks burning, he was so pretty. " my parents kick me out of the house, i got nowhere else to go".
-im sorry, you pat his hand for a second. Well i will call you soon thanks for coming. He shakes his head and stands up, leaving quickly.

You take a moment to think about the best choice, it was Jane, the perfect girl or the sexy dancer Chris. Even if jane was the easiest choice, you couldnt let that guy staying watever he was staying because obviously he needed a new place to live. You could give it a try. Jane would find a new place for sure, she got very good references.

As you were about to call Chris you stop and think again. Chris was attractive, maybe too much. You could fall for him if he was nice as much inside as outside. What If y'all start dating but ending breaking up ? You couldnt live with your ex, no no no.

You were lost in your mind when someone rings at the door. You sat up from your couch and opened the door. It was Chris. You're heart starts to beat faster.

- hi, im sorry i think i let my phone here, he said smiling brightly at you, he was looking even sexier " ho lord help me" you thought.
- hm maybe, come on in !

He found his phone pretty fast actually, it was on the kitchen counter "there you are !" He said " im leaving good night". You take his arm and he turns around.
-don't leave, you said.
- why ? Are you ok ?
- ho im fine ! I just want you stay here, in your new home !! You shout out gladly.
-no way !?
You nod and he takes you in his strong arms, lifting you and spinning you around " ho thank you so much! You're life saver y/n !" He leans in kissing your cheek. " ho its nothing...but at one condition....".
-everything you want y/n
- im not gonna lie you really charming and-
-i got it, i wont bring any girls here if this is what you want, i dont have any girlfriend anyway. You couldnt help but smile than you slap yourself in your mind.
-thank you but its fine if you wanna bring one, i mean its your house too, i was just saying that we are roomate now, it means no romance between us, no sex either, you said firmely but regret the last one. He chuckles,
- of course ! He said extending his hand toward you, you extended your and y'all shooke hands.


3 months passed since he moved in with you, y'all became good friends, he paid on time the rent all the time, y'all have lot of fun, leaving together.
It's past midninght when you get up from your bed and sneak out to the kitchen to grab so snacks, trying to be as quiet as possible when you hear Chris calling you,standing behind you. You jump.

-damn Chris you cant do that ok!you want me to die or something?

He laughs joining you behind the counter, and as he reaches you, you could see that he was shirtless, you bit your lips.

- the thunderstorm wakes you up too hu ? He asks as he grabs a bottle of water in the fridge.
-yeah, it's loud as hell outside.
- are scare of it ?it's ok, you can sleep with me if you want, my little sister was scared about it too when we were younger.
- ho im pause.

You weren't afraid of thunderstorms but Chris just asked you to sleep in the same bed as him, you feel pressure in you low stomach, just thinking about you snuggling with him makes you feel all excited.

-hooo you got me man ! Im just.... it's so ambarrassing im a big girl now haha.
- we all have our fears its ok, when you 're ready you can join me, he rubs your arm quickly before leaving the kitchen.

When he was out of view you start to dance in the middle of the kitchen.

You put back the snacks in the closet and walk toward Chris's bedroom.

Chris pov

As soon i left the kitchen i ran into my bedroom and quickly cleaned up. After 3 mother fucking months i got finally the chance to have her for myself. When she said i was charming i thought it would be easy but it wasn't and some how i start to like her for this. But tonight i can wait anymore i want her so bad. Tonight i make her mine.

I lay on the bed under the cover but not too much, my chest was still visible. She enters shyly in the room and sat on the edge of the bed. I lift up the cover and invite her to come under with me. She settle down and i turn of the light. She rolls on her side, we are face to face. I look at her eyes then her lips.

-you're alright ? I asked rubbing her sides nicely, she nods, i put my arm around her waist and pull her against me. She snuggles her face in my chest. " im here baby dont worry".
- thank you Chris, she whispers as she rises up her head, our face are getting close, i lean in and kiss her softly.

The kiss get heated quickly, our hands are roaming on eachother body,  moanings escape from our mouth, she was ready down there, all wet for me.

- you're sure you want this, i ask.
- yes Chris, she half moans. I smirks and sat up " im gonna get some condom over there' i said showing my drawer.

I stand up and pull out the pack of condom and turn my head toward her she was taking of her panties, her back was facing me. I quickly put out my phone and turn the camera on, putting on the drawer between two books and come back in the bed.

I climb on top of her and said " you're ready ? It's show time baby".


Thank you for reading i hoope you enjoyed it, btw i wanted to thanks all the people who stop by and read and vote for my all stories not just this book its so cool. Thank you muaah ! :)

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