Chris Brown / BBW!reader (last part)

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Chris pov

I leave my house and goes to see my ex. She was stunning in her tight short dress showing her legs. I sigh at the view, she is so damn pretty. We hug quickly and sit at our table. We talk a lot tonight but when we're done i was more confused than earlier. I propose her to ride her back to her house. The drive was fine but i swear i felt her hand on my thigh, Y/n knew what she really wanted from the start, she is so smart damn. I shift on my seat a lil bit than when we arrive, I unbuckle my belt quickly and climb out of the car. We walk to her door and she leans in to kiss me but i pull away, she rises an eyebrow, she seems surprised.

" What ? you said you wanna talk, thats what we did" i said in a sassy tone.

" Of course but did you see my dress ? the night is not over yet... dont you wanna come in?" she asked seductivly.

she runs her finger on my chest sending chills and wraps her hands around my neck pulling me down her level to whisper something dirty in my ear. I grab her wrist and pin her down against the wall, i lean in and say " I think we're done honey". With that i turn around and walk back to my car. i can tell she was pissed but i waste my time with her.


When i come back home Y/N was asleep on the sofa in front of her favorite tv show, i sit next to her trying to wake her up.

" Babe wake up" i whisper, she opens her eyes slowly and smiles bright at me. she sit up and rubs her eyes, she looks cute as hell like that, i lean in and kiss her forhead.

" How was your date ? " she asks with a raspy voice.

" It was...interesting, we decide to give us a second chance, we are going to take thing slowly this time" i answered, i lied just to see her reaction, her jaw drop and she hits my arm.

" Are you stupid or what ? !!"

i cant help but laugh than she realizes i pranked her, she laughs. She rests her head on my shoulder, we stay like that in silent enjoying eachother presence.

" You sleep here ?" i ask, she nodds and we walk upstairs. Then suddendly she takes another way.

" Where are you going ? You dont sleep with me ?"

"No, good night love"

I grab her by her waist and pick her up, bridal style, she starts to give me kicks.

" Dude put me down !! Im too heavy your gonna break your back" she said putting her face in her hands.

" oooh you're not heavy whatchu talkin about, i got more strengh that you think baby girl !"

we finally reach for my bedroom where i throw Y/n on the bed.

i climb on top of her and lean in when the ring bell. i sigh loudly earning chuckle from Y/N.

"Im not done with you" i said kissing her neck.

i stand up and go downstair, when i open the door it was my ex

Chris : Whatchu want ?
His ex : is that obvious?

She opens her coat and shows me her sexy lingerie, Ho dayum !! As she was about to kiss me, Y/n comes down.

" Babe dont you want me to start without you right- ho hey !"

babe?? Thats new.

"this is what u dating now ?? Ugly fat bitches ?? Damn i should go" my ex said, very pissed and very jealous.

"dont thanks me big head" Y/n said, i then realize why she called me babe. " well im gonna sleep now goodnight" she said but i grab her wriste and pull her against me. I crash my lips against her plumpy softy ones. We move in synchro as i feel her tongue licking my teeth. I open my mouth letting her explore her new teritory. The kiss is so hot, im lost in it. After a moment we pull away.

" fucking finally Chris !" she said panting lightly.

I cup her face and kiss her again. We make out wildy against the main door. My hand are roaming down her soft thick thighs then go under the shirt. I grab her booty and squeeze it as she licks and sucks on my neck making me groan loudly. I buck my hip against her, starting to grind my erection between her legs.

" Aaargh fuck Y/n i want you so much" i moan in her ear as i lick it sensually.

She moans and grind back hard on me. I let my hands go up under the shirt to rub her breast, rolling et pulling at her nipple. She moans my name and damn i loved it.

" lets go upstair Chris...i cant- i cant take it anymore" she said bitting her lips, God these lips i love them so much.

I play with the hem oh her pantie and pull it down slowly, very slowly, never leave eyes contact with her.

" or maybe lets just do it here ?" she said chuckling.

I chuckle too and peck her lips a last time before i take her hand in mine and lead her to my bedroom.

Your pov

The next morning you are awoken up by Chris and the smell of breakfast. You open your eyes and see he brings it in bed, you smile and sit up. He greets you by a kiss on your lips " hello girlfriend".

These words warm your heart, he is yours now.

End !!!! Thanks for ready this lil story :D

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