new imagine

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Your pov

You didn't know how it happened but you finally get a date with Chris Brown. He spotted you during a party and asked you out.

You went fresh out the shower, wrapped in your towel. You went to your closet and looked through it, looking for the best outfit for your date. You opted for a _____( your favorite color ) dress with heels. After doing your hair and your makeup you walked to your living room and sat on the couch waiting for him.

You waited.

You waited. Again and again.

10 minutes.

15 minutes.

30 minutes.

You were pissed as hell, what he was doing? You sent him a text " where the fuck are you?".
Of course he didn't answer leaving you on "read". An hour later you were changed in your pajamas watching TV. You send him a last message " don't ever contact me again mother fucker ! 😠".

Chris pov

I was in my house chilling with Roro when my phone buzzed in my bbal short. I saw a text, I ignored it and pulled it back in my pocket. Who the fuck is Y/N ?

After putting Roro in bed I felt my phone, it was that girl again, I texted back.

Chris : trust me I won't I don't event know you😒
Y/n : really Nigga ? How could you forget me ???
Chris : where do I know you?
Y/n : Tariq's party !
Chris : ho....look I was drunk as fuck that night I don't remember you honestly.
I then decide to text Tariq.

Chris :you bro wassup, who's y/n ?? She said we were supposed to dating but I was so wasted last night.
Tariq : I dunno her hm... I posted pictures on my fb page you should check out.
Chris : ho yeah thanks man good night.

I open my MacBook and search in his page for y/n. Well there is a lot of pictures I'm gonna drink something. After like a hundred of pics I finally found her, thanks God he tagged her. Damn she is cute.

I tried to call her back but she blocked me, really Nigga ??

Your pov

You wake up with a headache, you drink a lot last night. You are still mad at him for forgetting you. You wash your face and and walk to the kitchen when you hear the right of your door. You open it and see Chris with packs.

- Good morning beautiful !! Breakfast ?? Chris says shaking his packs.

You smack  the door.  You hear him screams out through the door " look I'm sorry ok! Please open the door y/n". You didn't want to talk to him after what he did but you were hungry as hell so you open and let him enter.

- I'm still mad at you i'm just hungry ok. You said coldly.
- yeah yeah I know-
-why are you even here ? You don't remember me....
- you're really pretty and I promised you a date and I always hold my promises.

He looked honest this time you let him a chance after all maybe he was good guy.


Thanks for reading
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