No girls allowed

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Chris pov

Just fresh out of the shower my towel wrappred around my waist. Tonight im about to go to a party by my man French montana. I put a simple shirt and a pants from my own collection and a pair of vans. I wear some gold necklace, my golden watch and some rings. I take my grillz too the one with the diamonds. I tooke my coat my phone my wallet and my keys ready to go.

I arrive in the club, music blasting i bounce my head to the beat, its gonna a nice night, just hanging out with the homies. A bartender leads me to French's booth. I hi-five them and we start to drink and smoke some cigare. I,of course, notice the girls around us but i dont care tonight i just wanna chill out.


I need to pee so i go the toilet when im done i see a dude bothering a poor girl she tried to ignore him but he insists, i just cant do nothing since nobody helps her. I walk toward them.

- hey girls its been a long time !! I said, she looks confused at first like "omg its chris brown why is he acting like he knew me?" i smile and touch her arm.
- man wassup !!!
- come on im up here ! I show her where i sat, she nods happily as i take her small hand in my big one.

We sat and i pour her a glass of watever she wants.

- Omg u saved my life he wont let me alone shit !
- no problem ma, you seemed all by yourself so.
- i aint alone i came with two friends they are talking with some didnt have to bring me here, i should go i dont wanna bother you she said emptying her glass pretty fast, she stands up, adjusting her dress. I cant help but take a look at her figure, i lick my lips, Damn what i would do to her...Ho no Chris remember just chill out no girls. I sigh and said :

- hey...hum... If someone bother you again come back here with your friends its cool dont worry !
- ho ok thanks hm... Ca-can i come back even if nobody bothers me? You know just to say

I nod smiling wild, i bet i look dumb right now but who cares hu? She shyly smiles back at me and adds " is it ok for you if we take a picture together?".

" no its cool come here"

She sighs and cursed " shit i let my phone in the car... Can we use.your phone?" i pull it out and take 3 photos, she sends them by mms to her own phone numbers and left.

Later, i find her again but this time we are outside she is on the phone i wave at her and she waves back at me.

I talk few minutes with my friends we are saying goodbye, they left me when their cars pick them up. I walk toward the girl, just chatting while im waiting for my car.

- hey girl !
- hey ! Did u have a nice night ?
- yep it was cool... I see you got your phone back !
- hm ? What do you mean...ho yes sure.. So..whatchu gonna do after?
- heading back home i guess

Then two females join us, screaming.

- whats the point having a phone if you dont answer it ! Said the blonded girl
- sorry
- wow Kelly its chris brown she wasng lying ! Said the smallest blonded girl
- oh boy its him ! I thought your text was joke earlier in the club
- i thought you let your phone in the car ? I asked grinning, this little girl just trapped me.

We take pics again and they left. When i come back home and change into my pajamas i text back... shit i should ask her name.

To ????? : hey little liar
To Chris : im sorry :(
To ???? : its fine, its a good strategy to have a phone number ;)
To Chris : well thks but after i tho"I wont contact him anyway why i did dat !"
To ???? : ur funny i like that wassur name beauty ?
To Chris : Y/N


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