Match it ! part 3

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Chris accepted.

You  told him to meet you at a restaurant. You asked to Bella to come with you just in case it turns bad. You asked Chris for a picture he refused saying you will recognize him immediately. Even if he gave you a little description it wasn't enough for you and you didn't understand why he was making all this mystery. You then try to send him a picture but he said no either. You were confused about it too but you accepted this conditions.

He just wanted to know what you will wear.

You enter with Bella and scan the room looking for Chris. He doesn't seem to be here, well you didn't know who you were looking for. You sigh. You hear your phone and you open the app and see a text from Chris.

CB0589 : I am on the roof, come meet me there.
Miss_Breezy: ok.

You and Bella take the elevator and arrive at the roof. There was a terrace, empty " you fucking kidding me !" You said throwing your hands. Bella rub your back " I'm sorry honey...lets go back down, I'm offer you an ice cream ."

You look back a last time before leaving and saw the back of a man head. You stop Bella and tells her to wait at the bar. You walk fast toward him and asked " excuse me are you- omg !!".

As he turns around you see Chris Brown, smiling at you.

- im huge fan can I take a picture with you? You asked. Chris laughs.
- you're not serious right? Chris said.
- sorry I didn't mean to bother you...

You turn around and mutter "damn what a diva ".

Chris grab your arm gently "hold on!". You smile, thinking you talked too fast.

- so you don't recognize me? Chris asked sadly.
- hm... I just did...
- are you Miss_Breezy?
- yes ! Wait...Oh....My....God !
- you can call me Chris, you know like usual haha !!

You hit his arm playfully and hug him tight. Bella couldn't believe her eyes. You were talking with him this all time.

You sit next to him on the couch. On the coffee table there were his hot drink with some cupcake and cookies. But also you favorite hot drink.

- I can believe you remembered it Chris it's so cute thanks !
- im glad you like it, I started to get nervous and when you didn't recognize me... he start to laugh. You laugh too.
- shut up ! How could I know ? It's crazy, but I'm so happy, ho the girl at the bar is Bella, my friend.
- ho she's cute !
- don't even start Christopher!

After 3 quarters, Chris had to go. He said yall could meet later, you exchange phone number and he leaves.

Chris wishes so bad it happens like that and then few months later you and him became a couple because he felt in love with you and he never told you.

After few minutes he finally answered you " I'm not ready I'm sorry I hope you understand ".

You were disappointed but you understood him, you will keep contact with him because you really like him.

Miss_Breezy: no pb baby boy I'll wait
CB0589 : thank you, I gtg now ttyl 😚

You told your story to Bella and she suggest you a girl night out. You didn't want to go out tonight but you couldn't tell no to Bella with her puppy eyes.

To be continue....

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