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This is a story about you meeting chris at p

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This is a story about you meeting chris at p.diddy party for super bowl.

Y/n p.o.v

My friend kelly knew a dancer who knew someone etc etc. So i met him at the bar. I smiled at him, he smiled back. I then tooke a big breath and talked to him. He was suprisingly, and at the same not so surprising, receptive. We got a nice talk, i had to take pics with him. I couldnt stop smile.

-ho my cheeks they hurt i smile i too much, i said smoothing them.
- i think its called happiness.
- ha ha very funny ! Hoo... he said looking at a girl near us. She was curvy like thick body but small waist. I sight. He turned his head to me. Are you jealous y/n?
-what ? Me ? No !.....yeah maybe why should i lie hu ? If you wanna talk to her go ahead man !
- nah i dont want. He takes a sip of his drink.
-why ? She seems to like you a you know her ?
-nah i dunno her, im good with you girl. I smile again. Hey that smile ! Beautiful!

Then kelly my friend came with us, i totally forget her. She then introduce her the girl who made us come here. It was the thick girl, jenny. But because jenny wasnt here just because of herself she had to let us. Chris had to let me and kelly to see his friends but he said he will see us around. Me and kelly had the best superbowl ever even if i had to share it with jenny. Anyways i met chris at the bar again later well i followed him. I was wasted like hell, no more inhibitions.

-hey cutie, i said sipping.
-hey beauty, have a nice night ?
- fantastico...well almost
-ho why ?
-you were too far away, i laugh, so he did. He came closer and asked "are you drunk?"
-are you ? He smirked and nodded. I added "good" giving him a flirty look ( i guess) and keep drinking. He bit his lips the way that drive all girls insane. "What ?" I asked.
-hm hm nothing, you're funny, i like funny girl.

I was about to finish my glass when i let it fall on me. I sigh "shit". He take my hand drag me down to the hallway "there's a bathroom there". He opened a door and we entered in. He closed the door. He takes a small towel and wets it. He then start to tap on the top of my chest to take off the alcohol of my top. I giggle. He lift his head with a confuse expression look.

-why are you laughin ?
-is it the only way you found to touch me hahaha ?
-what !no! You can't drink by yourself so i just try to help
-i can drink ! I was just....i trail of as i check him out, "...distracted" i laugh again "im sorry"

Then there was a silent, we were just looking into eachother eyes, i lick my dry lips, looking around, i felt so hot. I take the towel and clean myself. He was just standing there looking down at me. I then whip it on his face we start a lil battle, he won. My hands were behind my back hold by his so i was all against him.

-ok man you won
-what, i cant hear you, he said closing distance between our face. He was leaning slowly i could feel his breath on my face. But someone burst in the bathroom. We separated quickly.
-oops sorry the drunk person slurred. I need to pee, are you done ? We nod and let him did his things.

The next day when i woke up i take the breakfast with sasha and jenny.
-girl i drink so much that for a momen i thought a guy wanted to kiss me.
-who ? Kelly asked
-chris mofo brown
-definitely a dream he was so into me did you see his gaze on me ! Jenny says.
-yeah maybe i even dream we texted ! Ha i should be careful next time.

My phone vibrate, it was chris, i smile and but say nothing. Fuck you jenny.


Sorry for the mistakes
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