imagine #1

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This is a oneshot, Enjoy !! :D


One night You and your friends went to the club. You were enjoying the party, dancing and laughing with Them. Then suddenly all of them stopped, choked.

You - What ??

Friend 1 - OMG IT'S CHRIS BROWN !!!

You - Hahaha very funny -___-

Friend 2 *Turn you around*

You - :O

Your P.O.V

Omg i can't believe it this is HIM !! I dreamed of this day all of my life and it's finally happened ! Man he's sooooo sexy how is it possible lol. Damn i wanna scream but i don't want to affraid him lol...hum.. okay okay breath y/n and smile

end of pov

Chris - Hey girls !! sorry to interupt I just saw you dancing you were so funny

You - wassup ?

Chris - Nothing, enjoying the party. So are we dancing or what lol

* Chris take your hand and start dancing goofy. You can't help but laughing then you and your friends follow and dancing like him. after a few songs you take some picture with him. Then he tell you he got to go to another little party to a friend of his. He asks you if you and your friends wanna go with him because he had fun with you and he didnt want to leave such cool girls lol you said yes without hesitation you not even asking him where "that friend" lives. You were hypnotize by his smile, he could ask you anything tonight the answer will be "YES". So you went out the club and went to the car of your friend but Chris told y'all to up in his car because he wanted to get to know y'all better.

After 50 minutes y'all arrived in front of a Big house, y'all get out of the car and go in the house. The livingroom was so spacious and luxious full of people dancing. Chris says hello to his friend while you and your girls go to the dancefloor. You feel two big hands on your waist you turn your head and see Chris, you smile and he smile back, then the song " How many drinks by Miguel" comes and you feel Chris' hands slide down on your hips, pulls you closer to him. at the begining it was a "innocent" dance but it became hot and he started to grind hard behind you make you bend a little over. You decide to follow and grinding more harder on him, you then turn around, still grinding. You see him bit his bottom lips and it makes you laugh.

Chris - Why are you laughing ?

You - *mimick him when he bit his lip* Hahahaha you're funny man

Chris - haha * whisper in your ears* you've got sexy move i like it

You - thanks * blushed, try to look away*

Chris holds your head by your chin and turns it. You and him are now face to face then he approches his face to yours then gives you a peck on your lips. You start kissing back and it became very passionate. Suddenely you feel a hand taping on your shoulder.

It was your friend she told you that they have to go back home so before you leave Chris gave you his number and you gave him yours.

*1 month later

Since that amazing night You and Chris started to date. You feel like you live in a dream and even if it's a dream you hope you never gonna wake up lol.

One day you were at Chris' house on the couch, on your phone when Chris sneaking behind you to see what you're doing.

Chris - Whatchu reading ??

You - hu what ! nothing * try to hide your screen phone from him*

Chris - whatchu hiding from me ? * try to take your phone and push your back on the couch, climb on you, block your hands above your head and takes your phone* Haha..well well so let see whatchu reading

Chris starts to read and his eyes became wide

Chris - Omg.. what the hell !!!.... that's so nasty man lol..Woo that's enough.. Y/n i didn't know that you..hum.. like reading this kind of story..Man what the fuck is that and why am i in ??

Y/n - *blushing hard* Well this is a fanfiction writting by a fan of you..and in these story you are the hero...hum...its not what it looks like okay.. all the story is not about you having sex..hum.. i-its just that chapter..

Chris - Ho okay * look over your body and stare at your privacy area and see that you are a little wet, he smirked and kisses your lips, your jaw , your neck and suck on it*

You - w-wh-what you doing ??? * confused*

Chris - Well since you were getting wet about this chapter i decide to take advantage of it, i mean it would be too bad to waste * he smirked again.



Hahaha this is my first story, tell me what you think about it, im sorry if i make some mistakes English is not my first language im french lol

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