New imagine : Can't be friends last part

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"Hmm yes, right there Chris "

"Damm Im gonna come, Nhg ha !"

I pulled out off her and rolled to her side, panting heavly. She wrapped herself around me and nuzzled into my sweaty chest. I kissed her black hair then my phone vibrated on the night table, it was y/n my heart raced as i was reading the text.

Yn : hey boo my roomate just left , i have the house for me you wanna come ?

I knew exactly what she wanted, fact is i already had some but it doesnt mean i'll do nothing.

Chris: hey girl well im already doing somethin so... Maybe next time

Yn : ok

Chris : but i still can give watcha need, did your pussy is already wet for me ?

Yn : lol idiot ya think its about sex ?

Chris : of course it is !!

Yn : no its not ya wrong

Chris : then why did ya say da u got da house for ya ? Admit it, we're adults ya know

Yn: okayyyy ya right when ya gonna come ??

Chris : not tonight babe

"this is our moment why are you always texting damn it !!"Jasmine yelled, i totally forgot her.

" im sorry baby.. My friend is pretty sad right now, i just wanna show her that im here for her" i said, hoping that she will buying it.

" You doing it every night man !! Dont lie to me !"

" You know what she wanted me to pay her a visit but i said no because i wanted to stay with you but you seems to not appreciate my presence, maybe i should leave " i said.

I was pissed i try to make the right decision but she always pushed me away. I got up and walkes to the bathroom.

" Where are you goin?" jasmine asked.

"taking a shower, im gonna go out a little, i need some air, you got a probleme with this?"

" whateva" she sight and rolled her eyes.

After my shower i headed to y/n's house. When she opened she was in pajamas i chuckled.

"wooa you're so sexy like that " i said

" haha you're funny why are you here " she asked as she let me in. We sat on the sofa.

" i-"

" got an argument with Jasmine your girlfriend, how do i know ? Simple she called me and treatened me if i kept going to fuck witcha" she was pissed too.

" omg when she did that ?"

" two days ago, i was furious you lied to me but i was angry against her too who the fuck she think she is ? So after that call i ran to your house and fucked you senseless"

" Hoo i undertand why it was so... wild... I never thought u'll be like that ".

" something changed Chris... I changed... I want sharing it's me or her"

That's wat we were afraid of the most : that one of us fall for the other one.

"we were agree no feelings, we are besties !" i said

"i know but since you told you were single... Im sorry but i can't be your friend anymore" she stood up and opened door.

I just left, more sad than ever i can't stop see her she's my friend. When i came back home jasmine was already sleeping i joined on da bed. I didnt sleep well that night i just lost a friend.

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