Diamonds In The Sky - First Days Never Go Well (Chapter 2)

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First Days Never Go Well

I stood in front of my new home, and found myself smiling. The green painted walls actually looked appealing with the Victorian touch. It was a two story house, with a porch on the bottom right and a small balcony with big double doors to the living room on the bottom left. A trail from the side walk to the front porch had flowers surrounding it. My front yard was large, with a flower garden. I glanced to both side of me, looking at my neighbors’ houses. The one to my right was an all white two story house that looked every modern. To my left was a light auburn colored home that only was one story, but it didn’t lack to beauty of my house or the house to the right of me. I had no drive way or garage which was perfectly fine with me since I only had one car and the side of road would do perfectly fine to park.

I looked behind me at my car and the smile didn’t leave my face. Next to it was the moving truck with all my things. But before I could unpack, I needed my keys - which were inside my car might I add. I picked the lock and retrieved my new house keys along with my car keys and my new phone.

I walked up the little trail onto my front porch, glancing at the porch swing there. I opened the door and inhaled that nice old book smell. Inside, I looked at the giant double doors I had seen outside and went to open them letting the cool fresh air inside. From the living room, I walked to what would be considered the dining area and then to the kitchen. In the kitchen, there was a door leading to the back yard. Opening it, I noticed my back yard was separated from my neighbor's by a large wooden fence. Behind my backyard was the forest, which i had perfectly planned out for me to be able to run wild at night - so to speak. My backyard was fairly large, with one big oak tree that added a simple touch. I walked back inside and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

There were three rooms upstairs which would soon be my room, my library, and a guest room. Though I doubted I would have any guests, the thought comforted me. The guest room was right above where the front porch would be, a window overlooking the front yard. Next to the guest room was my library, which had windows overlooking the back yard. Finally my room was the largest of the three, over the front balcony that was on the bottom right, and had a large window overlooking the front yard as well as the guest room. In my room was a bathroom, and in the guest room there was a bathroom as well. The third bathroom was in the hall on the top floor.

After an hour or so of unpacking and putting things in their place, I took out a pen and paper to get things I needed. These things included: dishes, forks, spoons, food, a spare bed for the guest room, basic furniture, dining table, and well, the list goes on. As you can tell, I didn’t carry much around with me, but since this was my new home might as well make it home-y.

As I approached my front door to leave, I noticed someone was here. I slightly stiffened but relaxed as soon as I noticed it was a human. They knocked on my door and I opened it with a small smile on my face.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Oh hello!” the woman greeted. She had light blonde hair and looked to be in her late thirties, probably a mother and my next door neighbor. It was around eight in the morning and I wondered why she was up this early. Probably because she saw someone moving in, duh, I thought to myself.

I held my list in one hand and my keys in another when I noticed her reaching out her hand to shake mine. “Oh sorry,” I said sheepishly as I made one of my hands free


“No problem,” she grinned, “I’m Rebecca, your next door neighbor.”

She glanced to the all white home beside me as if indicating she lived there.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Viola,” I smiled.

“Are your parents home? I would love to meet them!” she said a bit too excited.

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