Diamonds In The Sky - This Is How The World Ends. (Chapter 46)

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This is how the world ends.

Déjà vu surrounded me, but it was in a different setting, with the same people - but not all were there before. What was I even talking about? The night the Royal Packs came to Riverdale struck my brain as I witnessed my two separate lives come together in one single room - my past life and my secret life, the one of Claude. But no one knew as they stood in this room, silently glaring at nothing in particular. 

The Royal Packs sat silently in the chairs where the Vampire Council members previously sat weeks ago. In the same room, where I had told them that I would try to end the war, hidden deep in the Blackmore Estate. How would I even begin to explain everything to them? How could I be so cowardly to keep something so important from them? In the back of my mind, I silently hoped that it would never come to this - to this exact meeting - that I would never have to utter the words that made the bile in my stomach turn: Emerson Ramseyer is working with the Chamberlain Clan.

I grasped the reality of the situation as I glanced at the forlorn faces that stared in front of me. It's not like I had never taken this seriously - no, listen to me, I am the person who took this to heart and swore on her soul to make everything okay again - but right here, right now, everything hit me. This is it. This is the big moment.

This is where everything can fall apart.

Alexandre sat at the head of the table with a look a uninterest, wearing an expensive suit as if he had expected to be alarmed by Claude that an emergency meeting was to take place - or maybe he had always dress that way, I had never taken notice. Rose sat to his left, dressed in her normal attire of expensive clothing and perfect everything. To his right sat Claude, hesitating to glance at me too long, with a look of anger hidden beneath the blue swirls his eyes held. The entire Luckett family sat on the side where Claude was, starting with Meredith, following with Arch, and then ending with Sanders who sat to my left - I was at the other end of the head of the table, staring directly at Alexandre. Meredith's expression was one of worry followed with furrowed brows and a small sigh. Arch, on the other hand, was as still as a statue and his face was stone cold. Sanders mimicked his father's blank stare, but occasionally looked towards me with a drop of sadness - which I didn't understand. To the right of me sat Victoria Dermott, which we added an extra chair for since there hadn't been enough room at the table before. Victoria's held a sort of anger, but I didn't know who it was appointed to. Her mate, Asher Dermott, held her hand under the table to try and sooth her silently. Next to him was Sterling Wright, with a look of pondering on his face while his elbows sat on the wooden table. His partner, Gabrelle Wright, sat in between him and Rose - glaring at the table.

"Are you sure?"

Meredith spoke to Gabrelle gently.

"Of course I am."

"..Everything was just...gone?"


"Was there any sign of forced entry, of a fight, anything?" Asher stated.

"No," Sterling looked to him with a hard expression, "The fact of the matter is, everything was gone and so were they. And it looked like it had been empty for weeks now. Dust was starting to collect."

"This doesn't make sense," Victoria growled, "Why-"

"Oh Christ," an annoyed voice spoke through the speaker phone that lay in the middle of the table where we sat. "Just shut up already, we get it - they are gone."

I grimaced at the voice of Lewis Genevieve, a member of the Vampire Council. With everything happening so quickly, the members of the Vampire Council were advised to do the meeting over the phone - and although Lewis was on speaker phone, I could still picture his eyes rolling. 

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