Diamonds In The Sky - Alexandre Blackmore (Chapter 33)

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Quick Note: Thank you all for fanning, voting, commenting and all that, I really appreciate it :)

Alexandre Blackmore

When my eyes caught sight of the glass chandelier hung by the ceiling, I furrowed my brows in confusion. I blinked a few times, making sure I was actually awake and not asleep. That's when it hit me, I was in the Vampire Kingdom. As you can see, I still wasn't used to this whole thing - but it was understandable since I had only been here for a day or so.

A sigh escaped my lips without my permission as I turned to look at the empty space next to me. For some reason, I had felt like someone would be there when I woke up, but I was wrong. I couldn't help but lay my hand on the empty side of my bed, a pang of emptiness stinging me hard.

"Viola, are you awake yet?" Kristen called as she entered my room wearing the same maid outfit as yesterday.

I slightly groaned, as if my mother had just told me to get up for school, but threw the covers off of me and stood up, letting out a yawn.

"You look good even when you get out of bed," Kristen smiled at me.

"You need to stop complimenting me," I joked, "I might end up thinking you're going to fall in love with me!"

"Honey, I think I already am," she said a bit too dramatically as she swooned causing me to burst out laughing.

"You remind me so much of a friend back home," I grinned at her.

"Really?" her smile grew, "You remind me of a friend, too."

I opened my mouth to ask her more about her friend, but she stopped me instantly.

"Oh, Mr. Blackmore has called you for breakfast," she informed me as she made way to my messy bed and began to tidy up.

"Mister?" I questioned, fearing it was Claude's father.

"Sorry, I'm still getting used to the whole "non formal" thing with you," she winked my way with a grin, "Claude called you for breakfast."

I couldn't help but smile a bit at the words that came out of her mouth.

"I guess I'll go change then," I stated as I made way to the walk-in closet.

I quickly grabbed a dark pair of skinny jeans along with a gray pullover. Once I had changed, I put on my black boots. I gave my hair a quick brush and washed my face before heading back out to the bedroom. My eyes widen as they fell on two books in Kristen's hands.

Sh*t, I mentally yelled at myself, How could I forget the books?! What's been up with me lately, sheesh!

Kristen's back was to me as she finished making the bed look like it belonged in some catalog. I shook myself out of my worried phase and calmly walked forward as if nothing were wrong - as far as I knew, she didn't even know what the books were so there was no point in freaking out just yet.

"Oh hey!" Kristen turned around with a grin, "Where do you want me to put these? They were under your pillow."

"I must've forgotten to put them away when I was reading, silly me," I said a bit too casual.

"Happens to all of us," she shrugged with a sheepish smile.

While she handed the books to me, I searched for any sign that they had been open recently and to my liking, they looked just as they had the day before. This finding quickly calmed my nerves.

"Okay, do you want me to do your hair or anything?" Kristen questioned with a grin.

"No, it's just breakfast," I shrugged.

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