Diamonds In The Sky - Awkward (Chapter 6)

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I sat in the love seat and let out a sigh. Fidgeting with my fingers I looked up at Nick, who had a grin plastered on his face.

“..What?” I asked him.

“Now it makes sense why you are so big,” he grinned, “I knew no normal girl could be bigger than me!”

“Oh, wow,” I muttered, “You're a newcomer, I am pretty sure we could find a ‘normal’ girl that is bigger than you.”

“Bursting’ my bubble,” he mumbled under his breath.

“Hey,” he threw a sympathetic smile my way, “If it makes you feel any better, I hate Claude, too.”

I eyed Nick curiously. Well, at least he isn’t an arrogant guy all the time, I thought.

“The only reason you hate him is because he stole your bootycall,” Richard scoffed.

Okay, I guess I was wrong - sort of, I thought.

“Bootycall?” I questioned wanting to know the situation more.

“My little brother here,” Richard gestured towards Nick, “was involved with Selene.”

“Selene?” I gaped, “She’s so mean! And so, ew.”

“Hey, who said I was involved with her for her personality?” Nick bluntly said, “And, she is hot!”

“Wait,” I ignored Nick and turned to Richard, “He’s your little brother?”

Richard nodded and muttered, “Sadly.”

“Not cool,” Nick whined.

I laughed a bit, Nick and Richard looked nothing alike. Honestly, if you saw them together you would not even guess they were related. What was even weirder was that Nick was a newcomer, which meant someone had to have bitten him. My mind probed with questions.

“Wait, who changed you?” I asked then added, “If you don’t mind me asking.”

Richard spoke, “This little bug here decided to go follow me out into the forest one night when i thought he was asleep. He couldn’t even do that right. He ended up getting lost and we crossed him while hunting, our wolves in control.”

A tint of sadness hit his eyes, “I bit him.”

Nick smiled, “It’s cool, bro. Though, it is painful.”

I nodded understanding what he meant by pain, but wondered how it felt to be bitten to transform. I had heard stories of the excruciating pain, the werewolf venom searing through one’s body. I had heard that the first changes were worse for werewolves bitten as apposed to those of us born into this. All my life I had known what I truly was, what my family was. From the get go, I was trained and taught our past and the history of mythical creatures.

I observed Nick and Richard while Richard smacked Nick in the back of the head for saying something stupid. They did act like brothers, I laughed slightly at the thought in my head.

I turned my attention to the other three in this pack, Sam, Brett, and Thomas.

“Anyone else here related by blood?” I quickly corrected myself, “By, same parents or whatever.”

They all shook their heads.

Brett spoke up, “We are all brothers, though.”

I nodded understanding what he meant. Once a pact was formed, they were your family. That night my pact was attacked, I lost all of my family. Every member of my pack was close, we lived together, trained together, fought with each other. My heart dropped a bit as memories came flooding back.

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