Diamonds In The Sky - Secrets (Chapter 35)

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"I have the girl," a deep, powerful voice rang through the darkness in my nightmare.

"So I take it that you have agreed to my offer?" a familiar voice spoke - I recognized it as Emerson Ramseyer's voice.

"Do you promise no harm to come-"

The other voice was cut off by Emerson's snicker. "I just want the girl, no harm will come to you or your family," he sneered.

"And you will speak of this to no one, understand?" Emerson warned.

"I have no reason to tell anyone of this, and neither shall you. Be sure that no harm comes to my kind, I want no more lives of mine taken," the voice hissed.

"You have my word," Emerson cackled.

"You disgust me," the voice spat.

"And here you are, handing over the girl to her death," I could hear Emerson's smirk.

"I'll do what I must to protect my kind, at whatever cost," the voice stated firmly, "And it's not like you've given me any room for choice."

The sound of footsteps retreating echoed through my ears before they stopped and turned on their heel. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, your highness," Emerson stated sarcastically.

My pounding heart seemed to be the only thing I could hear as I jolted awake from my nightmare. The eerie full moon lit up my room ever so slightly, casting shadows of monsters behind desks and portraits. It was silly of me to be afraid of monsters in the dark, but at the time a sort of dreaded feeling held me tight. After all, how could I not be afraid of monsters in the dark when I was uncovering hidden secrets that would change my life forever?


I blindly patted around my bed looking for my phone. I could see the sunlight shining into my room behind my closed eyelids, which convinced me even more not to open my eyes. I let out a groan as the phone vibrated once again.

Who is calling me so early? I whined in my mind.

Once my hand felt the cellular device, I answered the call and placed the phone by my ear as I threw a pillow over my closed eyes - not wanting any sunlight.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Viola Diamond!" Lilith chirped loudly through the phone.

"Lil! It's too damn early for you to be calling me," I let out a muffled groan. "But it's lovely to hear your voice, I miss you!" I added quickly as I threw the pillow and sheets off of my body.

"When are you coming back? I need your lovin'!" Lilith cried overdramatically.

"Is Daniel's loving not enough for you anymore?" I laughed.

"You know he'll never match up to your loving," Lilith joked.

"HEY!" a voice cried in the background.

"Is that Daniel?" I broke into laughter, "HI DANIEL!"

"Daniel, shush, girl talk," Lilith giggled.

"I see things are great between you two, as usual," I joked with a grin.

"Better than ever, actually," Lilith stated seriously.

"That anniversary is coming up quickly," I commented with a mischievous grin.

"One whole year with that dummy," Lilith smiled, "I'm glad we've made it this far. I really love him."

"I can tell, you calling me asking for my lovin', you do love him," I spoke sarcastically. "But seriously, I am really happy for you guys," I added.

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