I had other gurlfriends on the past so heres this messed up convo between my gurlfriend from idk, like 4 or 5 yrs ago. her name was Alice.
- at my house watching a movie(forgot what it was called)Alice: Hey baby
Me: What?
Alice: Do you want to do the dirty?
Me: Excuse me? Im not going to massage ur nasty ass feet
Alice: Not my feet even tho there not dirty. -.-
Me: Lets just watch the movie
Alice: No
Me: Fine, go home
Alice: No
Me: K, then stay.. just shush..
Alice: Dont you understand what i want to do
Me: No, can u like just stfu
Alice: No, i want to have sex
Me: *spurts out drink* WHAT?
Alice: You heard me.
Me: Hello!? u want STDs??
Alice: Whats that?
Me: Figurs ur stupid and horny
Alice: No! I just love you!
Me: hehe.. no, you just want sex and STDs and then youll leave me!
Alice: No, id stay with u! n wtf is STDs?!
Me: hmm ur too young to b my girlfriend, thats just crazy
Alice: No im not!
Alice: .... im leaving
Me: OMG im so sorry but isnt it a little to early to have sex? were not even 50 yrs old
Alice: what? what does 50 yr old people get to do with anythang?
Me: well, my dad said u wont have any STDs when ur 50
Alice: o.0
Me: im joking or am i...
Alice: wtf r you talking about
Me: Do u want a die at 14 yrs old?
Alice: uh no why would i?
Me: damn ur stupud...
Alice: im stupid? how bout u?
Me: if u have sex at a fucking young age, you will die
Alice: holy fudge!
Me: hehe
Alice: What?! im not having sex anymore!
Me: woah woah wait! ur serius?!
Alice: Uh YEAH! I dont want to die!
Me: uh huh yea you do, u want 2 dye
Alic3: I do not! im leaving!
Me: bye, dont have se-
Alice: stfu *slams door*
Dad: Hahahahahahahahahahah
Me: Wow, she was sure stupid XD
Dad: damn she was, it worked to
Me: Nice plan dad!
Dad: u probably dont want sex anymore XD
Me: hehe yeaj
Dad: Thanks, ik im a genius, u know what stds r tho right?
Me: No, i dont
Dad: For a 14 yr old, ur stupid... *face palms*
Me: huh?
Crazy Conversations
RandomI have the most fucked up conversations or texts with friends,families, girlfriends,random people and my butt... last part I was just kiddin like who the fuck talks to ther ass??? XD PG-13 for language and overall, not appropriate Anywho.... read it...