50 8 13

Sept 2

Textin my dad tils he gets mad muhahahhaha >:) if u think this is rude then funny..... ITS SUPPOSE TO B FUNNY ON MY PART .... but ANGRY ON MY DADS PART XD


Me: hiy dad

Dad: Hiy? What the fuck?

Me: hey n hi is one FUCKIN WORD :P

Dad: Spell fucking write then!

Me: shoudnt it b *right

Dad: Yeah.. It should be, but you spell words wrong unlike me. I write prefectly.

Me: Hiy

Dad: Really.. Im at work at the moment. Why won't you call me instead of text?

Me: Why wont u

Dad: Spell right you asshole.

Me: Why wont you

Dad: Well you texted me first and I didnt want to talk to you son.

Me: why are u now?

Dad: Beacause! Your talking to me!

Me: What are you doing

Dad: Lunch break

Me: I thought u said you were workin?

Dad: I know! I'm just eating right now and your being a huge dick and I can't enjoy my fucking meal.

Me: What meal?

Dad: Lunch.

Me: What are you aten?

Dad: Subway now please stop texting me.

Me: Y?

Dad: Correct your fucking grammer

Me: U speled grammer wrong

Dad: No shit! *grammar

Me: U actualy speled it rite the furst thime.

Dad: Your killing me with your grammar mistakes

Me: I not u 2 purfect

Dad: Oh my God. Just stop texting.

Me: Y

Dad: Why? WHY? I'm eating!

Me: Ur textin

Dad: Duh. What you think I can't multitask?

Me: Ur not aten then.

Dad: I am *eating

Me: *aten

Dad: *eating


Dad: What are you trying to do? God..

Me: I'm hungry

Dad: No you're not. If you were, you would already ate something. Like a snack.

Me: Are you still at work?

Dad: Fuck you! I am at work! I've been at work ever since you texted me okay?

Me: So you didnt go 2 work earlier

Dad: I did

Me: U said u dint go to work until i texted u

Dad: Just shut the fuck up!

Me: Why

Dad: Oh my God. Can someone like shut you up? Where's your girlfriend

Me: I thought i told u

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