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Gianna's P.O.V

'beep beep beep' my alarm clock went off, loudly. "Ugh", I groaned as I swing my hand over me to hit the snooze button. "Gia! Time for school, get up!", my mom screamed from downstairs. "No! I don't wanna", I shouted back, my voice muffled into my pillow. "Gianna Serena Taylor! If you don't get up...!" I knew my mom was serious because she said my full name, once she said that, my eyes shot open. "I guess I better get up before my mom goes off on me", I thought to myself.

I dragged my sleepy weight out of the bed and walked into the bathroom, my eyes still closed. I bumped into the door, still a little sleep. I began brushing my teeth and doing the rest of my hygiene stuff after I got out of the shower. Once I was finished with my morning routine, I walked out of my bathroom to go and find an outfit for school.

I simply just put on a black cropped hoodie, a pair of white skinny jeans, and my black, grey, and white Jordan's to finish it off. I walked back into the bathroom and took my hair out of the messy bun it was in and let my hair fall down to my back.

After taking multiple selfies and posting them on instagram, I turned my light off and walked out of my room to go downstairs. I jogged down the steps until I reached the bottom, only to see my mom dancing to Best of My Love by The Emotions. She swayed her hips and her hair from side to side as she sang along to the lyrics.

"Whoa-ooh- whoa, you got the best of my love, yes you do! You got the best of my love..." I cleared my throat, making my presence known. She instantly turned around, slightly aroused. "Mom, what are you doing", I chuckled in between words as I walked towards her. "Girl you scared me". "Why are you such a happy camper this morning", I asked as I hopped onto the counter grabbing an apple, and biting into it. A small grin of happiness spread across her face.

"Well.. you remember Jordan, right? French... club owner... the guy I've been dating for 7 months now..."? "Uhh, yea", I said uneasy, not sure where this conversation was going. "Weeelll.." she started. "Well what", I said with a mouthful of my apple. "Well... he asked me to marry him last night", she blurted out, trying to get her words out as fast as possible.

The apple pieces shot out of my mouth and onto the floor. "What! A-and you didn't bother to tell me any of this?" I quickly jumped off the counter and looked at my mom as complete shock took over my body. "I-it all just happened so fast Gia, I didn't think to tell you because when I got home, y-you were sleep, and I didn't wanna wake you". "Mom! You could've told me!" "Gia... there's something else to..." "What now mom", I said a little frustrated, rubbing my forehead with the tip of my fingers.

"You remember Larry and Laurent, Jordan's sons?" "Yes mother, I remember", I said sarcastically. I bent down to pick up the apple pieces that had fallen out of my mouth and walked over to the trash can to dump them. My mom stood there, gathering her words together. "T-there gonna be moving in with us Gia". She shriveled her face up with a little uneasiness as I turned around to look at her.

An o formed as my lips widened, trying to get the words forming caught in my throat out. "W-hat! Mom No! Why do they have to move I with us?" I was beyond frustrated, I had a bunch of mixed emotions going through my body.

"Gia, I'm getting married, you're gonna have to get use to them!" I let out a huge sigh before walking over to my mom and pulling her into my tight embrace hug. "I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to sound unhappy for you", I said into the crook of her neck, a little teary eyed. "Gia , look at me.." she softly said as she pulled away from me and cupped my face. "Baby, I know that change is hard, and I know that you really wish your father was still here.. but life goes on. A-and we just have to except that. We have to go on with our lives.. and baby.. Jordan is apart of my life now. And yours. We're gonna be a family, and I want you to always know that no matter how big of a change this is, I am still your mom. I'm not going anywhere. Jordan, Larry, and Laurent are apart of this change, and I'm happy that I'm gaining 2 sons. You're gaining brothers, and a stepdad.. and I'm gaining a new love and 2 sons."

I let her words sink in for a minute.. "I'm sorry for getting mad mom", I said as I let a tear roll down my check. "It's ok", she said with a warm smile, wiping my tear away. I glanced over at the clock on the stove. "I-I better get going, I don't wanna be late..". "Ok, have a good day at school. We'll talk when you get home, ok?" "Yea mom, love you", I said rushing to the front door to grab my purse/book bag. "Love you too!", I heard her yell out before I walked outside into the bright windy outside weather and closing the door, locking it shut with my house key.

This was definitely not my best morning...

Sooo, I really hope you liked the first chapter of my new book! I just have the most excitement for this book ever!!   (the girl on the cover is Gianna- Gia for short- not the girl in the picture above, that was just the outfit lol)

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