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*the bathroom that is connected with Gia's in the picture*

Gia's P.O.V

"Bye T", I waved threw the window. "See ya later girl!" She rolled her window back up and drove off. I walked up the driveway with my shopping bags slapping my legs every step I took. I see two trucks in the driveway as I walk up. "Great, the two new editions are hear", I sarcastically say to myself.

"Ma I'm ho..", I stop my sentence as I walk into the living room and see Laurent and Larry on the couch watching tv. "Hey, look who's finally home", Laurent smiled. I kick my boots off and sit my bags down by the couch. "Where's my mom?" "Still at the movies, I guess", Larry answered. I walk over to the couch and take a seat. "The movie ended an hour ago...". "Maybe they went somewhere else", Laurent shrugged.

I sighed and got up from the couch to go upstairs. I grabbed my bags and walked tiredly upstairs. When I reach my room, I sit my bags down next to my closet and walk into the bathroom to take a shower.

I see that the door is open on the other side, indicating that one of them already settled there things in. I just hoped it wasn't Larry. I didn't wanna be nosy, but I had to see who chose the room. I go back and fourth with myself about if I should go in the room or not.. finally I just forced myself to walk in.

I walk in slowly, inhaling the scent of cologne in the air. I walk around the room and examine the objects that were placed upon various shelves. I come across a picture of a woman that was on the desk in its own frame. I touch the picture with my fingertips, noticing that there was a piece of paper attached to it, but I didn't bother to read it. I just eyed the picture closely.

The woman had a nice caramel skin tone to her, her eyes were a nice shade of hazel, her hair was long and brown, wavy and silky, her smile was absolutely gorgeous. Her teeth were just as white as they can be, she had one of the most perkiest smiles I've ever seen. Who was she?

"Snoop much", I heard a familiar tone say from behind me. It made me jump and almost drop the picture. I held my chest with my other hand, my heart beat quickened. I turned around to see a grinning Larry. "You scared me." He walked over closer towards me and gently took the picture out of my hand. "Are you always this nosy", he laughed as he put the picture back in its place.

"Please don't tell me this is YOUR room", I hesitantly asked. "Yep, it is", he grinned, turning to face me. "Why did you pick this room?" Damn, why? He could live on the couch for all I care, but he just had to pick this room.

"Because I like it..", he answered. "Yea right", I scoffed. I looked down at the ground, rolling my eyes and thinking numerous thoughts. My concentration was broken when I felt a presence come closer to me. I look up to see Larry towering over me, his eyes burning mine with his serious stare.

"L-larry, what are you d-doing", I stuttered. He brought his bottom lip in between his teeth, and grinned, again. I could feel my breathing getting quicker by the second. I couldn't even stand to look at him, his eyes pierced mine so hard it forced me look away.

"I can hear your breathing", his voice tone was low and husky. I could feel those same tingly feelings coming back. He brought his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. He held me at the most upright position as he brought us both chest to chest. Not even a single sheet of loose leaf paper could come in between us at this point.

"Damn, you're so... mmmm", he grunted as he brought his lip to my ear. "You want me to let you go", he chuckled into the whisper he whispered. The words forming in my mouth were caught in my throat, only leaving me to whimper.

"I see the reaction I get from you baby, you want me to do something?" I still couldn't speak, I stood there in his arms. His whispers made something stir inside of me. And for once, it wasn't hatred or disgust.. it only just brought a wet sensation to my 'area'.

"L-larry, stop", I whimpered. "Stop what", he teased as he traveled his hands around my lower back, easing his way to my butt. "Tell me you want me Gia...". I refused to let those words come out of my mouth. I was still so shocked at what was happening, not wanting to think of the possibilities of what really could happen next.

He started grazing his lips along the side of my neck. Why was he doing this to me? Why the hell did I wear a skirt? He brushed his lips on the other side of my neck and instantly started to suck and nibbled on it. I refused to let a moan that I so desperately needed to let out of my mouth go, but he made that almost impossible to do.

He removed his hand and brought them underneath my skirt, allowing his fingers to fiddle with the side of panties. My eyes widened as he slowly slid them down with just his index finger. I looked into his eyes, his looked into mine full of lust. "Stop.. we can't..". "Nobody has to know Gia..".

He kissed my lips hungrily, not allowing me to respond. "Laurent's gonna hear", I whimpered. "Shh", he whispered to me. What is about to happen? I feel so scared.. but greedy for his touch at the same time.

He picked my legs up, making my legs wrap around his torso, never breaking the kiss he held. "God, I wanna feel you so bad", he groaned. He walked us into the bathroom and sat me down on the counter next to the sink. He went to lock both bathroom doors and rushed back towards me. Since my panties were already gone, he took this as an advantage. He bent down, very slowly, never breaking our eye contact.. causing another pool to surface down there. He bent down so that now, 'her' was all he could see.

"Tell me what you want baby", he groaned. "I t-think we should stop Larry..". "No", he huskily said. And with out warning he immediately started to devour me. I tried to keep the moans caught in my throat in, but they were released. His tongue was like magic. I never knew he was so.. experienced. "God Larry", I moan out. His tongue pumping faster in and out of me. I grabbed a hold of his afro, digging my nails into it. I threw my head back and let my eyes roll all around. Every time I moaned louder, his tongue went deeper and deeper. "Larry, don't stop!" I pushed his head further down inside of me, causing me to yelp out in pleasure of his tongue moving around in a circular motion.

I thrusted my hips in sync of his tongue as it pumped harder and deeper. He sucked, nibbled and attacked my cl** multiple times. "I'm so close Larry!" I could feel something build up inside of me and that needed to be released. It felt like I was about to bust any minute. Once I said that, he went so deep. I didn't know if he could go any further, but he pushed my hips into him, making his tongue go all the way to the back, My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I start to hold onto the sink for more balance.

But, before he could even continue.., "Gia, I'm home!" I immediately widened my eyes as Larry pulled his tongue out of me. "Shit", he whispered in frustration. I jumped off the counter and pulled my skirt down. Larry rushed to unlock the doors as I went out to slip my underwear back on. We both looked at each other as we heard foot steps stomping on the steps, making their way upstairs.

Update finished! What do you think will happen next?

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