Gia...Meet Tara, Again pt1 No.23

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Author's P.O.V

"W-what did you just say?" Gia stepped back from the girl's shocking words and let more tears slip as her voice shook in fear. "Who couldn't I be...Tara?" The girl took a step towards Gia and grabbed her hands, intertwining their fingers together. "Hi Gia."

Gia's eyes widened as she slapped the girl's hands away, trying to find her next few words, but all she could do was stutter, caused by her words caught in her throat. "But you were... and then you... but you.. how can.. why ... when", Gia ran her fingers through her hair, becoming greatly confused not only by the situation, but by her own quivering and dreadful voice as her words tried to be forced out of her mouth.

And she couldn't help it, it was like a natural reflex had hit her. Her arms wrapped around Tara's neck, squeezing her into the tight embrace she had been grieving and begging to give just one last time. Tara couldn't help her tears, her arms wrapped around Gia perfectly while she cried. Her head slightly tilted back from Gia's strong arms gripping her neck, but all that mattered... in that moment... was that hug. The hug that they have had so many hopes to give it one last time and never let go...


5 hours later

Gia's P.O.V

"Gia, I think you're...", my mom started. "No! I saw what I saw mom! I saw her! She hugged me! S-she even had on the same necklace I gave her!" "Baby, I know that it's still hard but... Tara's dead. There's no such thing as coming back from your grave." "Ughh! You're not listening to me", I stomped out of her hotel room and into my own. Once in there, I slammed the door shut and kicked the computer chair beside me.

"Rough day", Larry smirked from across the room. I rolled my eyes, trying not to show that he scared me by his sudden out burst. I hadn't know he was in there when I stormed into the room. I kicked off my shoes and layed them next to my suitcase. But, before I could peel out of my clothes, Larry slowly approached me, pinning against the wall with his footsteps; every time he went forward, I went backwards. Eventually backing up into the wall until there was nowhere left to go.

I felt small, weak, vulnerable, and most of all... intimidated. He trapped me with his body, pressing mines with his weight against the wall. I squirmed and moved all around, but it was no use. Between me being at only 5'5 and him standing tall at a towering 6'4, I was definitely beat. I may be thick, but it still doesn't help the strength in my upper body.

He leaned down and started to brush his smooth lips across my neck, soon kissing and sucking harshly. His lips traveled up to mines, pecking my lips softly. His tongue entered my mouth, now chewing and kissing ferociously on my lips. His hands grabbed my waist, pulling me towards 'him'. 

"Mmm, you see what you do to me girl", he groaned against me, his vibrating voice sending electricity through my lower regions, excitement adding to the warm pool that was soon to come. And in just a swift second, before he landed on the bed first, he flipped us over, to where he could be up top.

"Damn girl. I'm so hard right now. Let me make you feel good". But, just as I was about to answer, "Gia, mom wants to see you", Laurent yelled. 


Dinner Time

Tonight, we feast on the richest of foods... at least in my eyes. Big 4 quart bacon cheeseburgers, milkshakes, large fries, and your choice of dessert was on the menu! My eyes scanned through the laminated paper as my mouth was nearly drooling from the tasty things that my eyes landed on.

"Hi, my name is Tammy and I'll be your waiter for tonight! Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" My head snapped quickly up at the wide smiling waitress. I suddenly had remembered that name. Tammy? ....More like Tara. My jaw dropped as I sat there in a world of confusion, watching her look at me as if I didn't already know her... or her secret.

"U-umm,  a straw...berry milkshake",  finally uttered out. Everyone else's voice I zoned out, not letting them into my ears. My attention was full on Tara, and only Tara. My eyes never left her face as I watched her plaster this fake ass smile across her face and polite attitude. My mom nor Jordan, Lau, or Larry paid really close attention to her... accept me.

Before she walked away from getting our drink orders, she slipped a slip of paper to me underneath the table. I leaned over in my set at the booth I sat at, and read the note as secretly as possible.

It read:

Gia, I know this may scare you. I know it seems like I've been a dead woman for so long, but, I'm not dead. I didn't crawl from out of my grave, because the truth is I don't even really have a grave. Someone else is buried beneath my tombstone, and I don't know who. But, I need your help. I'm seriously sick... and sometimes I feel like I've just completely lost my mind. I don't know if it's the amnesia, or is it really all in my head, but please help me. I need you Gia. Meet me behind your hotel at 11:30 p.m.

Update finished! Sorry if it was a lil suckey, but I just wanted to update! Pt 2 No.24 coming soon luv's!!!

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