Christmas No.43

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*Christmas Day*

Author's P.O.V

It's been a good month since Larry and Laurent left for Paris. Afterwards, they had flew out to San Francisco then to New York. Gia's been driving herself crazy, even having a nervous break down which landed her in the hospital.

She been coping with it, but it's frustrated her greatly this past month. It's now Christmas time, and not only is she stressing because he's still gone, also because she's worried he won't be home for the holidays.

Her and Jessica have just finished making the last of the food. Their co-workers and a couple of Larry and Laurent's friends were invited. They all mingled and joked around until Gia and Jessica called out "Food's ready!"

Everyone rushed into the kitchen, grabbing a plate. Simon was the first one to grab the macaroni and cheese spoon and scooped him up 5 big scoops. His sister, Carly, just laughed and shook her head. "Umm, is it good Simon", Gia giggled. "Sho is", he said, his voice muffled by the mac and cheese.

Just as Gia was about to fix her plate, the doorbell rang. "I got it", she called out. She wiggled through the small crowd of people and made it to the front door. She unlocked it, not even looking out the peep hole, and swung the door open.

"Hey babygirl, I'm home".

Gia covered her mouth in shock, feeling her tears about to pour. She finally just let them go and jumped on Larry. He swung her around as she cried into the crook of his neck. "Oh my god! Baby I missed you!"

She lifted her face up and attacked his lips. He happily kissed back.

While they were wrapped up in their kiss, Laurent took the time to sneak up on Jessica. She turned around, her facial expression priceless. She jumped onto Laurent's waist, kissing all over his face. Everyone around cheered and made silly noises, looking between the two couples.


*Christmas Dinner*

Everyone gathered in the front room, because the kitchen table was way too small. The table in the front room, which they only used for special occasions, happened to be long and wide enough for the guests that were there, including Jessica, Gia, Laurent, and Larry.

"Amen", everyone said in unison. After Laurent had said grace, everyone went back to fixing their plates. They passed plates and bowls and silverware around in a circle until everyone had gotten a variety of everything.

Everybody began to dig into their food, making small talk every now and then.

"So, how was the workshops and the battles", Simon asked. "It was awesome bro", Laurent almost screamed, making everyone laugh. "Yea, it was fun", Larry said, in a much calmer tone. "Did you guys go to clubs", Jessica asked. "Oh yea, we had most of our dance battles there", Laurent answered.

Suddenly, LJ awoke from his peaceful slumber, fussing with a low cry. "Fat-fat, you miss daddy", Larry cheered as he got up from his seat and rushed over to him. He picked him up from the couch, and LJ went crazy. He slobbered and attacked Larry's face with kisses. He clapped his hands together, giggling as Larry pretended to gnaw on his cheek.

Gia smiled at the sight as she rubbed her 2 month small baby bump. Jessica placed her hand on Gia's stomach and smiled widely. "I think it's gonna be a girl". "I do to". "What does Larry want?" "He says he doesn't care, but deep down I know he wants a girl", Gia laughed. "I know Lau does", Jessica whispered.

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