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Gia's P.O.V

*Next Day*

"I don't know Tara, it might not look right...", I explained, a little uneasy. Tara had found some blue hair dye in the cabinet underneath the sink, and since my mom let me dye half my hair grey, Tara thinks the blue will look cute if I add the color at the end of my hair. She's so sure it'll be cute, but I don't wanna do it and it looks like a 3 year old toddler did it! I want it to look right. I would ask my mom, but I don't really want to do it, no matter who's doing my hair.

"Come on Gia, I promise it's gonna be cute. This girl on instagram had it and I swear, her hair was bangin girl!" she expressed with a wide smile. "... I don't know Tara... was it that cute", I questioned, looking into the mirror and combing through my hair with the tip of my finger nails. "Yes! And plus, you're like the only girl in the school who will have it! Come on... be different, like you always are. You were the first girl to start that grey hair thing in school...".

I stared deep into the mirror, pressing my reflection with my eyeballs hard, trying to picture what it might look like with the blue coloring. It looked good in my head, but then again it was only what I pictured it to look like.

I took a deep breath as I turned Tara to confirm my answer she'd been begging me for, for the past 35 minutes. "Fine, I'll do it", I confirmed. That same smile on her face soon returned once I gave her my answer. She instantly grabbed the bottle of blue hair dye and searched the house for other items she needed.

I was going to let her do my hair considering she's done hair before. I just hope she doesn't fuck up my hair...

*1 hour later*

"Gia! Go look at you're hair, it's so cute, I told you", Tara screamed happily. I was so scared to see what this girl had done to my hair. I was 90 percent sure she fucked up, but the other 10 percent had faith and believed Tara did an amazing job.

Even though she finished my hair like... a long damn time ago, I was still a little uneasy about it. "Bestfriend if you don't get yo ass up and look in this mirror", Tara shouted. I grunted and stood up slowly from my bed. I walked past Tara and into the bathroom, closing my eyes shut.

"Now, open your eyes", Tara laughed as she instructed me. I shook my head, "I'm gonna regret this..., I said before letting my eyes open. I instantly regretted what I said as my eyes stared my hair down until they nearly popped out of my head. "Oh my... oh my god", I expressed running my fingers through my smooth hair. "Tara, oh my god! This is so cute", I screamed as I ran out of the bathroom to smother her into my tight hug. She struggled to get away, but failed miserably.

"Gia! You squishin me", she laughed.

"What in the world", a voice cackled from behind. Tara pulled away from me and we both turned around to see a confused face Laurent and Larry.

"Damn ba-... I mean Gia", Larry stuttered. Laurent and Tara looked at each other with priceless faces before busting out in laughter. "What did you say Larry", Laurent asked turning to him with a childish grin. "N-nothing", he answered.

"You're hair is so pretty sister, who did it", Laurent asked turning to face me with a smile. "Tara did it", I said excitedly. "It's so cute", I semi-shouted. "Thanks Tara, it's just like I imagined it", I smiled at her. She returned a smile and hugged me.

"The blue looks awesome", Larry said. "I know right", I said as I walked into the bathroom to admire my hair one more time.

"Hey look, Kaden's having somethin at the bowling place", Larry stated as he looked at his phone. "Ooh, I wanna go", Tara whined. I looked confused and wanted to see what she was they were talking about. "What is it? A party", I asked. "Yea, well somethin like that, he just invited a couple of our boys and some girls, including y'all", he explained to us. "Naw, for real! I'm so serious Larry, don't fuck wit me right now...", she said in all seriousness. "I think he's for real T", Laurent laughed.

"So are we going or what...", Larry asked, looking at all of us for a confirmed answer. "Hell yea we're going", I responded, without hesitation. Laurent and Larry both smiled at each other and began to get hyped up. Tara and me shooed them out of the room after asking them a simple question. "What time does it start?" "In about... an hour", Laurent answered. "Oh shit", Tara exclaimed rushing to try and find something to wear. Laurent shook his head and walked out of the room and down to his own to get ready.

"Gia, I need your help with something. Can you come in my room to help me please", Larry asked me innocently. "Uhh, sure", I answered with a nod. Tara was too busy finding her make up kit to realize I left out of the room.

"So what did you need help with", I asked as I walked it the room. I tucked my hands into my pockets at the back of my pants I had on and turned around. My eyes instantly became full of shock. "Umm, Larry... what're you doing", I scrunched my eyebrows up.

When I turned around, he was closing the door, and locking it. He went over to the bathroom door, locking that one too. He turned to face me, and walked over to me slowly. I could feel my heart race faster and faster every step he took, getting closer to me. I began to fiddle with my pocket to keep me from showing signs of weakness. But that was all over when he licked his lips and grabbed my waist, I'm pretty sure I just melted on the inside.

He softly attached his lips to mine and I immediately kissed back. My hormone's were definitely jumping around and doing some type of gymnastic shit inside of me because when his lips touched mine, I became so weak in the knees.

As he deepened the kiss, he backed me up into the wall that was behind me. I grabbed his neck as his hand met my legs and thighs, picking me up by them, never breaking the kiss. I moaned in between kisses, though I tried to keep them in. He sucked hard on my lips until I was pretty sure they were a bit swollen. My eyes rolled back as he started to nibble and suck hard on my neck. He took my earlobe into his mouth, and my legs buckled hard around his torso. He smirked as he whispered into my ear..., "I only got to taste you once, I wanna do it again". His French accent made me moan softly. He started back sucking on my neck... all my cards of weakness were just flat out on the table, shit just went completely left. I failed horribly at trying not to give in, but as always, he's making it so hard not to.

There was a nock at the door. I didn't know what Larry was planning on doing next, but the nock at his door instantly made him irritated. "Bro, bro, come on man! We're gonna be late", Laurent hollered. "Alright, I'm commin!"

As Larry responded back to his brother, I took this time to catch my breath and stop the fast paste of my heart beat. I tried to act normal, and not think about what just occurred... or what it could've led to.

"I-I'm gonna g-go get dressed...", I struggled to get my words out, and began to stutter. As I walked past him, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. So close, I could feel the up down motion of his chest when he breathed.

He backed me against a wall and held my arms over my head, positioning himself in between me. He pushed forward so I could feel his now hardened and erect 'member'. He licked his lips, "I'm not done with you bella..."

Update finished! Ooh... do you think Gia will finally give Larry some, tell me!

Hit that vote button and feel free to comment your positive thoughts!!<3

A/N: Ugh, who's excited about back to school? Not me! I accidently walked down the wrong hallway today and bumped into the lockers, it was so awkward. Them people was like 'really n****', then we lost power and the lights went out and I was in P.E, when my friend flung her arm and I fell off the bleacher's and almost busted my damn kneecaps, and they had the nerve to say "Do you like this school hun?" Are you kidding me, I nearly broke my neck!

Anyways, lmao


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