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Author's P.O.V

Gia stormed through the door, slamming it behind her and throwing her bag onto the floor. She looked around, her eyes big and blurry from the crying she'd done on the way to her apartment. Complete silence took over, and all she could do was drop and slide down the wall beside her and cry.

Just then, the house phone rang. Gia lifted her head up, whipping her eyes with the palm of her hand as she slowly got up. She lazily walked over to the house phone and picked it up, "Hello", she answered, barely above a whisper. "Um, is there a Larry there", the sound of a female's voice came ringing through the phone. Gia slightly pulled the phone away from her ear due to how loud the person's voice came screaming through. "Who is this" Gia rolled her eyes. "I don't have time to play games, where is Larry at?!"

The front door opened and closed, indicating someone had just entered the apartment. Gia's eyes scowled the shadow that was about to step foward. And though she was on the brink of tears, she fought them back with the strength she had left.

"Baby I'm ho-" *BAM* Gia had aimed the house phone directly at Larry and thrown it at him, not even thinking twice before her arm flung back and shamelessly threw it.

"Gia! What the fuck!" Though Larry dodged the phone, and it didn't hit him, he found himself about the burst with anger at Gia's sudden actions.

"You wanna tell me something Larry", she stepped closer. "Man, you betta back the fuck up Gia", he pushed his arm out, gesturing he was going to push her. "Excuse me", Gia folded her arms across her chest. "You heard what I said, back the fuck-" *SMACK* "Don't you ever talk to me like that!" Gia delivered a harsh slap to Larry's cheek, making him stumble back a bit. It took a while for Gia to figure out what she had just done, but once she realized what happened, she was quick to rush over to him and nurse his now blood-red cheek.

"Oh my god baby, are you ok, I'm so sorry", she cried. "Fuck! What the h- you know what, move!" Gia's body trembled at his sharp and loud words. He cursed in french as he stood up, intimidating her with his tall height.

The only thing Gia could do was stare up at him, his towering height making her body shake with fear.

Larry surprisingly held out his hand, and Gia took it to help her up from the cold floor she sat on. "What's goin on with you", he wrapped his arms around her. "How could you", she started to cry. "Baby-" "No", she pushed away, "Don't baby me! How could you! I sit here all day, go to school, go to work, take care of our child, feed him, clothe him, bathe him, put him to sleep, I PROVIDE FOR YOUR CHILD AND ALL YOU DO IS GO OUT ALL DAY AND FUCK RANDOM BITCHES!" "ALL I DO?! REALLY GIA?! FOR YO GODDAMN INFORMATION I WORK ALL FUCKING DAY AND THEN I GOTTA COME HOME TO YOU BITCHIN AND WHININ ABOUT IRRELEVANT ASS BULLSHIT!" "OH SO YOU THINK I'M A BITCH HUH?! SO WHILE I WAS HOME WITH A BABY ON MY TITTY, YOU OUT DOIN WHAT?! CAUSE IT FOR DAMN SURE ISN'T WORK!" "MAN, I'M NOT 'BOUT TO ARGUE WITH YOU GIA, YOU TRIPPIN!"

Larry flicked Gia off and kicked off his shoes. "I'm not done with you Larry", Gia screamed, pushing and punching his back repeadetly. Larry gripped her ams and backed her into the wall, pinning both her arms above her head. "Ay, chill out, you doin to much!" "Fuck you!" "Ima let you go, but you gotta calm down!"

Gia's chest rose and fell heavily as she breathed harder and harder each minute. She had finally allowed herself to break. Her hot tears freely streamed her cheeks, and her eyes red and puffy. "Just tell me the truth Larry, please". "...I'm so sorry baby", he whispered, kissing all around her face. "What happened?" He sighed and looked into her eyes, clearing his throat and akwardly looking down. "...I got really, really drunk. I don't drink but, I was out with Simon and some of our friends. ...I passed out, ok? I-I didn't know what was going on. When I woke up... a girl was on top of me... riding me. I knew it wasn't you and I-I didn't p-push her off. I know it's wrong, ok, I know but,... Gia it felt good. You was 8 months pregnant and we wasn't having sex. I didn't have the strength to push her off. It felt so good Gia, I just couldn't. But I did pull out. I didn't cum inside her. Please just...don't be mad".

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