Clubs, Sex, Seduction & Hangovers No.35

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Gia's P.O.V

*Later that night*

"Girl, come on, we're gonna be late!" "Ok, ok, I'm comin", I yelled back. I had just finished applying my favorite red lipstick to my lips and styling my hair. The truth was I was taking so long because I had to keep hovering over the toilet... I was nervous.

Not only did I lie to Larry about bringing someone, I also lied about my feelings towards him. And now that he's bringing Melissa tonight, that only made my stomach more nauseous, and led me to believe that anything so wicked and evil could happen with her around us.

I took a look at myself in the mirror and took a slow, long, deep breath. "You can do this Gia", I said to myself before grabbing my clutch and walking out of the bathroom door.

I exited my room and cautiously made my way down stairs, trying hard not to fall in the boots I was wearing. "It took you lo- Damn girl, who you tryna look sexy for!" I couldn't help the laugh that erupted out of me. "I could say the same for you", I giggled, adjusting my skirt. "Larry is gonna flip when he sees you in that", was the only thing Jessica said before she grabbed my hand and walked us out of my apartment.

As we were getting into her car, my phone started to ring. It was Toya facetiming me. I slid the green bar and awaited for her to show on the screen.

But instead, my son was on the phone with Toya holding it.

I gasped playfully. "Hi my baby!" "Gi-gi-gi-ahhh gi-gi", he babbled on. He's been trying to say Gia for the longest. "That's right baby, Gia's my name!" "Hey Toya", I smiled. "Hey girl". "What y'all doin", I asked as I strapped myself into the seat belt while Jessica started the car. "Nothin, I just wanted him to say goodnight to you before I put him to sleep, I just fed him so...". "Oh ok", I shook my head. "LJ, say goodbye to mommy", she grabbed his little hand and waved at me. "By baby, I love you", I took my two fingers and blew him a kiss. "Gi-gi-giiii", he clapped. Toya and I shared a laugh before hanging up.

Not even 20 minutes after, Jessica pulled up into a large parking lot full of other vehicles. We drove around for at least 3 minutes, trying to find a parking space, and luckily we had found one.

We hopped out the car and held onto each other we stepped into the line that was wrapped around the club building. The music could be heard from outside as it boomed with the latest songs.

Numerous girls were trying to bribe the bouncers, some even trying to imply giving them a blowjob or sex in the alley. Me and Jessica couldn't help but snicker at them and their weak attempts.

Suddenly, arms were wrapped around my waist and cool breath snaked down my neck. "You come with me", his voice was deep and dark, and I instantly new who it was.

Laurent and Jessica disappeared off onto the dance floor, leaving me and Larry staring at each other awkwardly. "So" I trailed off, "Where's what's her face", I smirked sarcastically. "She couldn't come. She had a modeling shoot in New York". I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Where's Eddy?" "He's not here, obviously", I responded.

Larry's PO.V

Must I say Gia is looking so fine right now. Her top is sheer and her breast couldn't look any more fuller. Her round bottom and thick thighs in her skirt got a nigga over here about to drool.

The truth was, I wasn't with Melissa. I never was. I couldn't force myself to be with anyone else, because every time I try, Gia just comes flooding back into my mind. I think about her all the time. I miss her. I still love her. I never stopped.

I just wish I could hold her again. Make love to her, wake up to her... I want my family back. I wanna see my son more, I wanna be with my girl, and make her my wife.

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