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Author's P.O.V

W-what do you mean you know", Gia asked, shaking her head, her voice quivering. Tara lowered her head and started to fiddle with her thumbs. Gia's eyes grew wider, waiting for her to respond. But she kept quiet.

"Tara", Gia shouted as she roughly shook Tara's arm. Tara still kept quiet. "Tara!" She sadly looked up at Gia with tears forming in her eyes, soon letting them fall as Gia starred deeper. "I'm so sorry!" Tara jumped up to her feet, taking off out of the locker room and down the halls.

Gia sat there, confused, angry, frustrated, and sad. She didn't know what to think as many thoughts and questions roamed all around her head.

"Why would Tara be sorry? She hasn't did anything... or has she", Gia thought to herself.

Gia's P.O.V

Before I knew it, the bell had rung for next period. I rushed out of the locker room I had spent that entire period in, and ran down the hall towards my locker. Once I reached it, I quickly did my lock combination and flung open the blue piece of rectangular medal that this school calls a locker door.

Larry slid beside me, making me jump at his sudden approach. "Ay, it's just me. No need to be scared", he softly spoke as he scrunched his eyebrows at me. "Don't do that", I said back sternly, shaking my head in seriousness as I grabbed my books out of my crammed locker.

I closed the door back and tried to push past Larry. But he wasn't having it.

"Gia, just stop", he grabbed my arms and looked me into my eyes. "Larry, I told you not to talk to me!" Next thing I know, he pulls me into a dark space, which I had noticed was a room. The supply closet that was next to us.

He locked the door and flicked on the lights.

"Gia, baby, please j-just talk to me, please", he begged. "I-I can't", I cried. "Just tell me...". "I-I don't now how", I stomped my foot and fell into his warm arms. I cried into his chest as he caressed my back with his soft hands.

"Baby, whatever it is, you can tell me." I pulled away from his embrace and turned around. I ran my fingers through my hair, prepared to explode.

"God Larry", I sighed in frustration. "Everything is wrong", I croaked out, my voice on the verge of breaking. "T-this whole thing i-is just wrong Larry! You're my stepbrother! I can't keep doing this, it's not safe anymore! It NEVER was safe! W-what if my mom finds out, or you're father! God!"

Larry clenched his jaw and let out a deep inhale and exhale of breath. I stood there, continuing with my rant... until Larry had finally gotten an ear full of my constant whining.

He grabbed m face and forcefully shoved his lips onto mine, adding his tongue in the process. For what seemed like the longest kiss ever, I gladly kissed back after I realized he wasn't pulling away anytime soon.

But, eventually he did, and once he did, he cupped my face and pierced me with his stare. "Gia, I know it's wrong. You know it's wrong... but I don't care. I don't care what's wrong with it. ...When I'm with you, nothing matters. It's just you and me. I don't care what anyone else thinks of us, what we're doing is not a crime. You have nothing to worry about Gia. I got you. From the first time I met you, I-", Larry expressed to me, but was rudely interrupted by the tardy bell.

"I-I'm sorry, I have to go", I said, feeling my voice crack from my tears. "No, you're gonna talk to me Gia. So start talking...", he rudely demanded me. I swallowed down my own gulp of spit that was caught in my throat, preventing me from responding back.

"Gia, I'm here baby. T-these messages, they mean nothing..", I cut him off. "How can you say that?! Larry! They have a recording of us in that restroom! A fuckin recording!"

"......I am really trying to keep whatever dignity I have left inside of me... I already feel dirty about this! I don't need someone hard balling my ass and I most definitely do not need your bullshit right now! Don't you see Larry? Whoever's doing this wants me! Just let me deal with this on my own", I continued to scream as my voice cracked while in mid-sentence. "I'm not backing away at a time like this, not now! Rather you like it or not, we need each other...".

"But-", he cut me off. "But nothing! W-we're gonna figure this out... starting now. Who do you think is doing this?" "I-I don't know. It's all just happening so fast!" "Gia, baby, think, erase your mind, and just think straight ahead... anybody could do this, but who stands out the most?"

I was standing there, thinking straight and clear, erasing everything that had circled my mind, and still, nobody came to mind.

"I don't know Larry, it's all blank..". "Nobody comes to mind? Not an enemy?" "N-no, I don't think so". Larry's eyes soon wondered everywhere around the room, everywhere except direct eye contact with me.

"W-what about that girl?" "What girl", I questioned. "Uhh, what's her face umm... oh umm, is it Am-Amy? Amy?" "Amy? Larry, I know we've had our differences but I don't think she'd do that." "Well why not? I mean you said she hates you, and Gia... she was there at that bowling rink."


"She knows". "What do you mean she knows?!" "She suspects something...". "Well that doesn't mean you". "I can't do this anymore". "Hey bitch, no backing out now. We're in this together!"

Update finished! I hope this isn't considered a cliffhanger, I tried not to make it one, lol. But I hope you enjoyed reading, what will happen next!?

A/N: So, our substitute for social studies class forgot to give us homework, so now we have it for the weekend. WTF! What in the actual fuck was he thinking! I felt like punching my locker in, but, I didn't... luckily it's only 1 sheet. Oh yea, did I mention it's 30 questions. He has completely lost all of his shit if he thinks this is ok. Him and his bald spots need to go away! I want MY teacher back!! Anyways, I hope your weekend is better love's!!

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