Getting You Back No.36

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Author's P.O.V

*2 days later*


Larry: Good morning Ms.Taylor

Gia: Morning Mr. Bourgeois

Larry: I like that name Ms. Taylor *smirk emoji*

Gia: Whatever *laughing emoji*

Larry: What you doin today?

Gia: I gotta go to the mall, but I took off work today

Larry: So your free today?

Gia: Yea, why?

Larry: I wanna take you out

Gia: Take me out?

Larry: Yea, like on a date... if that's ok with you

Gia: Umm... I guess

Larry: Can I pick you up

Gia: I don't know Mr. Bourgeois, where are we going

Larry: Imma take you to the mall

Gia: Ok

Larry: Ok what?

Gia: I'll go

Larry: Yay! "clapping emoji's*

Gia: Calm down there

Larry: I'll see you then *kissing emoji*

Gia: Whatever you say

End of text CONVO

I smiled as I placed the phone back on the dresser. I sat up in the bed and stretched my arms and legs out. I could hear LJ starting to get fussy and cranky over the baby monitor.

I yawned as I got up from the bed and made my way to his room. I could see him kicking his feet and reaching out his hands, trying to reach me. I gasped playfully as I leaned over to pick him up. "Are you a hungry baby, you missed mommy", I cooed as I patted his back. "Gi-giii", he screamed. "Ok, ok, lets go eat", I whispered as I walked out of his room.

I carried him down the steps and into the kitchen. I put him down in his high chair and buckled the white strap. I pulled open the pantry door and scanned my eyes over to the left right side, where all of his baby food was.

I decided to go with strawberry and banana oatmeal cereal. I grabbed a bowl and poured the oatmeal out of the baby food box and made it the way I always did.

LJ cheered once he saw me sit down in font of him with a bowl of food. "Open up, here comes the airplane", I waved the spoon, making noises to imitate an airplane. His fluffy cheeks looked so plump and adorable when I placed the spoon in his mouth as he ate.

Once I was finished feeding him, I cleaned up everything and got him ready for a bath. I walked up the steps, but my phone chimed, showing someone was texting me.

I placed LJ on my bed as I reached for my phone. It was Larry texting again. "Da-da?" "Yea, baby, it's da-da", I happily cheered.


Larry: Breakfast?

Gia: Are you asking me?

Larry: Yea

Gia: Sure

Larry: Are you bringing LJ or are you dropping him off?

Gia: Do you want to see him?

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