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Gia's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of Tara's light snoring. I sat up in my bed and looked over at my clock. It read 9:05 a.m. The taste of liquor swarmed in my mouth and a slight pounding pounded in my head. I rubbed my head with the palm of my hand as I tried to get up.

I struggled to find my balance, so I just held onto my nightstand and the wall as I got up. I walked into the bathroom and the first thing I saw was my own reflection when I wiped the sleep out of my eyes. As I stared at myself in the mirror, I couldn't figure out why I had on pajamas, I don't remember changing into them last night. But I still had my make-up on, though it was slightly smugged in due to my wild sleeping.

I stood there for a minute trying to gather my thoughts before getting a rag and running warm water on it. Once I ringed it out, I lightly dabbed and rubbed along my face. Once I finished washing my face, I reached underneath the sink into the cabinets for a makeup removal cloth. I opened the pack and pulled a single cloth out, then began to remove the makeup on my face.

After I was finished, I walked out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom, only to find Tara just awakening. "Morning", she said sleepily. "Morning", I replied back. I walked back to my bed and laid back down. "Girl, last night...", Tar started to say. "What", I mumbled as I turned to face her. "You got wasted", she said. I couldn't even act surprised or worried, my slight hangover and the taste in my mouth explained it all.

"I gave you some advil.. do you still have a headache?" "Yea, a little", I told her. "You probably need to eat something, you wanna go eat some breakfast?" I shook my head and we both started to get up and go downstairs to eat something.

I got up with the help of Tara and we both proceeded down the hall and to the steps. We quietly tip toed down the steps and into the kitchen, only to find both Larry and Lau eating cereal and watching cartoons on the tv that hung on the wall in there. "Morning ", they both said with a mouth full of cereal. Tara smiled and replied with a good morning back.

"Here, sit down. I'll make you're cereal", Tara said pulling out a chair. I sat down in it and scooted myself up. Tara knew what cereal I liked so I just sat there and waited for my breakfast. I rested my elbows on the table and cupped both of my cheeks as I looked down at the table.

There was nothing but the sound of the crunching of cereal and it being poured into a bowl, until Laurent spoke. "Gia, you were so messed up last night...". "Ugh, I know", I groaned. "No, he means messed up! You did a lot of shit" Larry said. I scrunched my eyebrows, wanting to know what he meant. "What do you mean I did a lot of shit", I questioned. Larry reached for his phone across the table for his phone and unlocked it. He gave me it and there was a wall of pictures from the party.

"Larry, these are just pictures of people at the party. What does this have to do with me", I shook my head. "Just keep scrolling", he said. I did as told and kept going down the list of pictures. I scrolled down 20 of them until I found... me.

I covered my mouth in shock, not wanting to look at the pictures I continued to examine. "Oh my god", I whimpered as I came across a picture of me doing a body shot on this girl. I had never did that before... I really was drunk. There was a picture of me kissing girls, and I even flashed my boobs. "Oh god", I groaned as I came across a picture of me passed out in the bathroom. There was many more pictures of me, but I refused to look at the rest. I slid the phone back to Larry and looked down again.

"Hey, you weren't the only drunk girl at the party ya know", Tara reassured me as she gave me my bowl of cereal and my spoon. I let out a huge sigh, "I know but, I don't remember doing any of this!" "It's ok Gia, I'm pretty sure any other girl who got drunk at the party is in way much worse condition than you... some were passed out on the lawn and are probably still there", Laurent said. "Thanks guys, for taking care of me and making sure nothing happened to me", I thanked them with a weak smile. "No problem", the all said.

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