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Author's P.O.V

~5 years ago~

"Tara, where are you taking me", Gia whined as her bestfriend tugged on her arm, leading her to an unknown location while Gia had been blindfolded. "You'll see when we get there", Tara simply answered.

"Ok, don't look yet", Tara let go of Gia's arm, her footsteps could be heard on the crunchy-like ground. Gia had now known that she was no longer on the hard concrete of her driveway, she was now somewhere where dirt, grass, trees, and twigs lay all around. The woods.

"Ok, now... take off the blindfold and open your eyes." Gia sighed ad proceeded to take off the blindfold that was tightly wrapped around her eyes. Once it was off, Gia took a few minutes to get her eye sight together. When the blurriness came to an end, Gia rubbed her eyes and tried to look forward.

"Umm, Tara, what are we doing here?" "...I need to talk to you", she shyly replied. "You couldn't have talked to me at the house", Gia sarcastically said. "No... it's serious." "What is it?" Tara extended her arm out and pointed behind Gia. Gia scrunched her eyebrows and slowly turned her body around to face what Tara had pointed out, which was a small dark brown carved box.

"Tara, what is this?" "...Just open it". Gia looked at the box, then at Tara, then back at the box and back at Tara. She finally just squatted down and eyed the box down. Tara joined her on the other side of the box as she just stared at it, tears forming in her eyes.

Gia touched the box with her finger tips and read the engraving, "Tara Williams, -2015". She was curious as to why the date said 2015 when the year was of 2010, but she shook it off and ran her fingers over the smooth box.

"Open it Gia...". She shook her head and grabbed ahold of the ledge of the box and wiggled it until it popped up from the screws it was tightly attached to. Gia was surprised by what had layed in the box. The tears in Tara's eyes had fallen to her cheeks as she continued her gaze onto the box... and what was inside.

"Read the cards Gia", Tara instructed her. Gia looked up into her bestfriends eyes and saw her pain. She too had started to get teary eyed. Gia picked the white folded cards that layed in the box and unfolded them. She slowly looked up at Tara who gave a reassuring nod of the head as Gia slowly looked down at the cards and started to read...

-We all have someone we trust

-Somebody that will never hurt us

-Somebody who will always make us smile

-And that person... is in your family

-And when that person in your family hurts you, you can never forgive them

-Not for the horrible things they've done to you

-Your own flesh and blood hurt you to your core

-Hurt you in a way that you have no other choice but to keep it to yourself

-You have to keep it locked away

-Forever, or for as long as you can

-But the longer you keep it locked away

-The longer you keep it hidden

-The more it haunts you

-The more it comes back to tease you

-And you can't keep it hidden anymore

-You're eager to tell someone

-But you can't...

-You're scared and afraid

-You just want to run away and never look back

-You wanna go somewhere far, far away where no one is there to remind you of it

-And when you realize the more you run

-The more it just keeps coming back

-But running is all you can really do

-And when it's time for you to stop running, you'll stop

-Only to just go somewhere where you're just like a cloud, floating and looking over everyone

-And you wish greatly to get there fast enough

-But yet, you just keep running...

"Tara, are these... are these about you?" Tara slowly nodded her head yes. Gia's tears soon fell from her eyes as she listened to Tara explain the cards that confused Gia greatly.

"I wanna run away. I wanna go someplace where nobody will find me. I've been thinking about California or something like that. I just wanna go far away from here. ...And I want you to go with me". Gia stood there in shock at Tara's words. She wasn't entirely confused, she was getting mixed signals from Tara.

"W-what? Where is this coming from?!" "Just trust me Gia", Tara stepped closer towards her and took her hands into her own. "Wait, just pause for a second! Tara, what do these cards mean?" Tara's light smile had faded back into a frown. She sighed in frustration and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I don't really wanna talk about it", she sadly said. "Tara, you can tell me", Gia reassured her. "N-no I can't", Tara cried. She started to shake uncontrollably. "Tara, please I promise I won't tell anybody", Gia promised her.

"You swear?" "On my grave". Gia crossed her heart and touched Tara's shoulder. "...A year ago, my mom had some of my family over for a football game. My cousins came over... all boys. I-I had spilled some juice on my shirt and I went up to my room to get another one. One of my older cousins came into the room and said that he'd... he'd help me. He took my shirt off and just stared at me. When I tried to push him out of the room, he just got so angry...". Tara broke down into a crying mess as she tried to explain the most painful thing to Gia.

"It's ok Tara. What happened next?" "...He put a sock in my mouth and pushed me onto the bed. He climbed on top of me and pulled my pants down. I tried to fight him off... but he was so strong. The music was so loud, no one could hear my screams,  and the tv was turned up all the way. He choked me until I-I passed out. ....And when I woke up...". Tara scrunched her face as more tears streamed down her cheeks from her already puffy eyes.

"I woke up, and he was... still inside of me", she had finally broken down into Gia's arms as she cried hysterically. Gia tried her best to comfort her as her bestfriend cried into her chest. "He-he told me not to say anything! He said it was our little secret! He told me that I needed it and that I didn't need to be a virgin anymore! H-he took my childhood away from me Gia!"

~end of flashback~

"Gia! Gia! Where were you just then", Tonya waved her hand in front of Gia's face, trying to gain her attention as Gia stared off into space. Gia shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut, coming out of her daydream.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just.. I just had um... I was just thinking about Tara."

???? P.O.V

Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here? I'm lost and I need help. Can somebody please save me. I don't remember anything. It all just comes back into tiny pieces like a puzzle that I just can't seem to put together. I remember a girl, I remember a car, I remember a boy, and the road, I remember headlights, and a truck driver, but everything in between is just one big blur. I don't know who I am or what my name is, I'm in the middle of nowhere. I was left to die. But I'm not dead. I'm not dead. I'm walking to somewhere, but I can't get there fast enough. I know that there's more to what happened, I just can't remember. Somebody put me here, they left me here to die and disappear. I'm supposed to be dead, I was suppose to vanish and never come back. But there's something I was meant to do before I go... but what was it? Can anybody please help me? Find me, save me.....

Update finished! Who is the question mark? And where could they be?

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