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The door knob turned and there stood my mom, with a wide smile on her face. However me and Larry were no where close to smiling, fear was written on both of our faces. My mom was so close to coming into that bathroom, I was just lucky Larry got the door unlocked fast enough.

"H-hey momma", I weakly smiled. "Hey baby". "Hey Ms. Taylor", Larry smiled. My mom walk towards us and gave us a warm hug. "Uh, Gia ,what are you doing in here", she asked with a questioning face. I tried to make up a lie, fast.

"U-uh, I was just.. welcoming  Larry to the house", I lied. Thankfully, my mom believed me and didn't question my stuttering. She'd have a heart attach and die if she found out what really happened. "Well, I'm goin to bed. We brought dinner back.. and Larry it is so nice to have you hear, really". She embraced him one more time before leaving out of the bedroom and down the hall to her own, which is now shared with Jordan, so 'theirs'. 

As soon as I heard her door open and close, I let out a gasp of air and held my chest. I looked over at Larry who was looking just as scared as I was. "L-larry, what the fuck!" "Y-you asked for it", he screamed as he threw his hands up and stomped out of the bedroom, leaving me with a puzzling face.

I walked out of the bedroom and tried to catch my breath. My heart was beating really fast and my palms were sweaty. "Oh my god, what did I just do", I thought to my self as I reached the stair case and walked down them, slowly as I was shaking.

When I reached the bottom, I could hear Laurent talking to Larry about whatever. I walk around the living room to get to the kitchen, trying to keep my foot steps quite. I peek my head around the wall, only to be noticed by Laurent who was just walking out.

"What are you doing", he questioned. "I-I was just going to get something to eat.. duh", I answered irritated. He shook his head and walked past me. I rolled my eyes and continued into the kitchen, where I found Larry scarfing down a slice of pizza. I hesitantly walked past him to go get a plate, afraid of what this soon to be conversation may be about. (their using plastic plates for the pizza)

I switch the light on in the pantry and walk in to get what I needed. I bend down to grab the plate out off the bottom shelf, but before I could reach for it, I feel hands wrap around my waist, which made me jump.

"It's just me Gia", he whispers. I knew it was Larry after I heard that. I immediately turned around and tried to get out of his grip. "Larry, let me go.. now!" That only made his grip grow tighter. "Gia.. j-just let me explain, please!" "There's nothing to explain", I semi-yelled. "Gia, please!" He pulled the door to the pantry shut and released his grip around me. I stood there as he stood across from me, breathing heavily. "What is there to explain Larry", I whimpered.

He took a deep breath before walking up to me once again and grabbing my waist, pulling it towards his torso. "Gia, I-I don't know how to tell you this..". I looked at him with a confused face, not sure what he was talking about. "Tell me what", I panted. Being in this position with him again made me breath really heard. I could feel his heart beat on my chest as he held me with his firm grip.

He took a few moments to gather his words..., "Gia, I...I like you. I've liked you from the first day I met you... I know that I'm your step-brother.. but I can't help it. I've wanted you for so long...".

 I was lost with out words. What can I say? It not only surprised me, but it was way to overwhelming for me to just take in everything he said. I never knew Larry felt this way about me, I knew his goofy ass friends did, but I would have never thought Larry would.

"I-I don't know what to say.. I never knew you felt this way", I looked into his eyes. He looked away from me and I could tell he was tearing up. "Hey, Larry, it's ok", I cupped his face. "Larry, look at me...". He still hung his head down. "Larry, please.. look at me", I begged. He finally looked up at me, trying his best not to show he was about to cry. "I'm sorry Gia, I can't help it", he spoke. "You don't have to be sorry", I reassured him.

I gave him my warmest smile, and before I could stop it, he leaned in and kissed my lips softly. His soft lips on my plum ones felt so amazing, I didn't have the heart to stop it. What started out as a kiss soon turned into a full make out session. He forced his tongue into my mouth, making mines go into his. He groaned in between kisses, while I enjoyed it, not wanting to let go.

He pulled away and layed his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry for what I did in the bathroom...", he apologized. I smiled and looked into his eyes.. "It's ok.. I wanted you to do that", I admitted.

I can't lie, Larry is handsome, tall, sexy, attractive... you'd be a fool not to like him. I was caught in a trance, trapped in his eyes. I loved when he smiled at me, and I love it even more now because now I know his true feelings. I know and I get it.. he's my stepbrother.. but just like him, I can't help but feel those same feelings.

I just hope my mother doesn't find out...

Update finished!! What do you think Gia will do?     Next chapter, Gia, Tara, Larry, and Laurent will go to the party.. do think Larry and Gia will... (I'm not telling you) You'll just have to wait and see!!!

Hit that vote button and feel free to comment your positive thoughts!!<3<3


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