Run Away With Me pt.1 No.28

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Gia's P.O.V

The sound of a constant beeping forced my heavy eyelids open. The quality of an uncleared bright light blurred my vision until I managed to squint my eyes a bit. The muffles of voices around what seemed to be a room of some sort soon became clear and strong as my vision recovered.

My body felt light as a feather, yet I could barely raise my arm to move. My legs felt numb and weak, and my arms lay on either side of my hips. I felt as if I were heavily sedated or... drugged.

My eyes traveled down to my feet, slowly approching my arms. It appeared a needle was inside of my forearm and what I remember from hearing about it, an oxygen saturation probe clipped onto my finger.

I knew I was breathing, but I knew I wasn't doing it on my own. A see through mask covered my mouth and nose. Fogginess covered the inside when I inhaled, and went away when I exhaled.

"Nurse! She's awake", someone yelled, instantly startling me. "Gia baby, look at me", the same voice cried. My eyes stayed glued at the ceiling the blinding light hung from. "Gia, can you hear us?!" The bed shook, and the beeping noise sped up faster and faster. My breathing became hitched and quick, and the sudden sound of large foot steps approached me.

A hand had gently grabbed my eye lid and waved a flashlight in front of them. "Ma'am, she's very out of it right now, please do not alarm her", the person said. "Can she hear me", another asked. I felt the hands of someone else's grab mines. "Gia, this is the nurse, if you can hear me, blink twice." I blinked momentarily, twice.

"She can hear you ma'am". "Oh my god, my baby, what happened", her voice shook. I quickly realized the voice was my moms. "Can I... talk to Gia for a minute... alone", the other voice asked. "No! My baby needs me!" "Ma'am, I don't know if I should tell you this before talking with your daughter".

"Tell her what", my voice croaked out. "Gia", my mom rushed to me, "Oh god, you're ok", she forced a smile. "Can I please talk to her?" I removed the mask from around my face. "Mom, it's ok", I assured her. She huffed out a sigh, "Come on guys", she said. I hadn't noticed others were in the room.Their feet shuffled on the floor until the door opened and closed.

The bed dipped beside me, indicating someone was sitting on it. "Just... tell me. Did I loose my baby?" "No Gia, you didn't".

My body gave mixed emotions at the nurse's answer. One half of me was happy my baby wasn't dead, and the other... felt horrible for thinking what could've happened.

"Then, what happened?" "You had some vaginal bleeding, it happens during pregnanacy." "You told my mom?" "Well, that's why I asked her to step out. I wasn't sure if you had told her or not".

Larry's P.O.V

Everyone had gone down to the cafeteria to get Gia something to eat, along with themselves. I stayed behind incase we were needed by one of the doctors or the nurse.

I paced back and fourth behind the door, running my fingers through my afro as I prayed silently. I couldn't believe this had happened to Gia. One minute we were driving to a party, and the next... we're in a hospital.

My ears accidentaly caught on to something I wished I hadn't heard... only because it scared me. I stopped pacing and started to eavesdrop, and that's when I had gotten an earful of what I wasn't supposed to hear.

"How could I have been so stupid! We didn't use a condom, and I wasn't on the pill, now I'm 17 and pregnant!"

My eyes widened and I backed away from the door, believing I had heard enough just out of that one sentence.

Gia's P.O.V

There was a knock at the door, catching me and the nurse's attention. Larry peered through the door with a soft smile on his lips. The nurse stood up, pushing a loose starnd of her blond her behind her ear. "I'll let you guys talk", she said, waving me off and proceeding out the door. Once the door clicked from it being closed, Larry's smile dropped into a frown.

I propped myself up more, refusing to make eye contact with him as he sat dangerously close to me. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together, but I quickly snatched it away, all of sudden feeling the rush of an outrage ready to bust.

"So, when were you gonna tell me?" "Tell you what?" "Don't play dumb with me Gia", he grimly said. "I don't know what you're talking about", I shook my head. "Oh really", he raised an eyebrow, "Because this", he rubbed my stomach, "Tells me otherwise". I tensed up once I felt his hand graze my belly, feeling the slightly bloated baby bump that barely showed.

"Larry, I-" "Why didn't you tell me?" "I don't know", I shrugged. "Why do you look mad?" "Are you serious?! I'm 17 and carrying my step-brother's baby!" "Gia, you-" "What am I going to do with a baby Larry?!"

He stayed quiet, looking into my eyes with his hurt filled ones.

"You know what, just move", I nudged his chest with my knee, though I couldn't feel it due to the numbness it held. "Baby, look I-" "Move Larry! I don't wanna see you right now!" I turned over on my side and pulled the heavy covers over me, hugging the pillow in front of me as I began to silently cry.

"I...I can't keep this baby Larry". "What are you saying?" "I'm saying... I can't keep it". "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" "...Yes".

His hand tightly grabbed my arms and yanked me, giving me no choice but to face him. "You're not killing my baby!" "Larry, get off of me!" "I won't let you kill our child Gia!" "I'm 17 Larry! I can't keep a baby! I want a life! I don't wanna quit school and have to be a single parent!" "Who said you're gonna have to do this alone?" "I can't be with you because our parents our getting married, you're my step-brother, I can't date you, I can't be with you, I can't be pregnant by you, I can't have sex with you, I can't have a real realationship with you, I can't marry you, we can never have kids together, we can't-"

Larry cut me off, smashing his lips onto mine. He swished his tongue around inside my mouth, making me become breathless.

"Gia, I don't care. I love you, and I'm not ever leaving you for some bullshitty ass reason like we're step-brother and step-sister."

"Larry-" "Run away with me" he blurted out, cutting me off in the process. "What", I scrunched my eyebrows. "Run away with me". "Larry, what're you talking about?" "What if... what if when you get out the hospital, we pack our bags and run away?" "Are you crazy?! Where would we go?" "Anywhere. Just me, you, and the baby. We'll raise him or her together. Like a family Gia...".

The idea was crazy, I didn't even know how to answer to such a question... but a small part of me was screaming 'yes'.

"Will you go with me Gia".

I looked into his deep brown eyes as I gave a confused look.

I could tell he was serious. My face softened up before I gave my answer.


Update finished! Wow, what a chapter I wrote, lol, what's to come for Gia and Larry, will they follow through with the plan or will something hold them back?! Until next update my luv's!<3

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