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Gia's P.O.V

I squeezed my eyes shut as I slid down the wall of my bathroom. I placed the pregnancy test on the floor with the awaiting answer face first. I ran my finger tips through my hair. My tears threatend to stream down my cheeks as numerous thougts raced through my head.

I had been sitting on the floor for what seemed like forever, gazing off into space. I hadn't realized I was crying until the timer on my phone went off, indidcating that 5 minutes was up. I took a deep breath, debating on whether I should look or not.

And finally... I just snatched it up off the floor.

"Positive", I said to myslef.

It felt as if my world had just came crashing down. My heart dropped down into my stomach and my breath was lost. Everthing around me just stopped, everything went in slow motion, and that dark cloud shadowed over me again. "This can't be happening", I shook my head. My hot tears rolled off of my chin and hit my chest. "Why me", I cried.

The sound of a soft knock alarmed me and my body jolted off of the floor. I quickly threw the stick away and fixed myself before opening up the door. And there stood my mom behind the door with a worried face.

"H-hey mama", I dryly greeted her with a forced smile. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" "Yea", I shook my head. I turned off the bathroom light and followed my mom into my room where we both took a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Have you... been feeling ok lately Gia?" "Yea...why?" "Well, I got a call earlier from the school nurse, and a couple of teachers. They said you've been throwing up a lot". I suddenly felt my cheeks become hot, thinking I had been caught in my own lie. I hung my head down, ashamed to say anything else. "I'm fine mom". "Did you eat something that couldv'e-" "I said I'm fine", I loudly blurted out, not even realizing I had cut my mother off.

"Gia, I know you're upset about that locket baby, but please... don't shut me out". I sniffled a bit as my face scrunched, trying to control my whimpers and cries. But I had failed miserably at the attempt. "I'm so sorry mommy!" I fell into her arms, my involuntary screams and whimpers mixed in with my sorrowful and terrified cries. "Shh, baby it's ok. Just let it all out. Baby, it is ok to cry sometimes, don't just keep it all in *kisses my head* shh, it's ok", my mom rubbed my back as she rocked me back and fourth. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry", I chanted. "What are you sorry for baby", she kissed my forehead. "For everything! For dad, for-" "Hey", she lifted my chin a scowled at me defiantly, "Don't you ever, and I mean ever think that you're the reason your father is dead. Your father went to the military on his own free will, not because he wanted to leave, but because he had to Gia. He was a provider and always was one. He didn't want me working all those hours at the office, he wanted to take care of us. Even if it meant going away. He wanted to go to war, and fight for the country. So I quit... and he decided to go. Not because of you. But because it was what he thought was gonna help us. We lived a better life Gia, and your father did that for us. And I know it was hard growing up without him here all the time, but he loved you no matter how far away he was, and if he was alive, I know he'd tell you that." "I wish I could bring him back", I cried back into her chest. "Me too baby, me too", my mom's voice shook, hurt obviously struck through her words.


*Later that night*

"Laurent, can you come here for a second", I called out. "Here I come", he yelled back. I heard his heavy foot steps stomp their way upstairs, eventually ending once he met my room. "You called", he smiled. "Yea", I breathed. "Can I ask you something", I awkwardly blurted out. "Yea, sure", he shook his head and leaned against the door frame. "What if I told you I had a friend who was pregnant... and they wanted to get... an abortion? They're still a teenager, they're still in school, and they don't know what to do with a baby... would you encourage it?" "Encourage what?" "Them getting an abortion". "Well, me personally... I don't believe in abortions, I mean... you're killing an innocent human being before it even gets to live, so no, I wouldn't encourage them to do it", he honestly answered. "Oh, well, thanks for your honest answer Lau", I half smiled. "Why'd you ask?" "No reason", I shook my head. "Is this your friend?" "...Yea", I lied. "Oh, well I gotta go, Jessica's waiting for me". "Where are you guys going?" "Some party-" "Aye, get dressed, we gotta party to go to", Larry interupted. Laurent chuckled at Larry's sudden outburst. "Who's party is it?" "Roy's", Larry answered. "I dont think-" "Oh come on, please", the both said in unison and pouted. I fakely smiled and said, "Fine, let me get dressed".

*20 min. later* (outfits pictured above)

"Ready", Larry asked. "Ready", I responded. Jessica, me, Larry, and Laurent jumped into Laurent's truck and sped off to the party. Luckily, it wasn't far, but for me, it seemed like the worst 35 minutes of my life. The whole car ride I had been shifting in my seat, and this feeling settling in my stomach wasn't the normal queasiness I was expecting to have.

"Baby, you ok", Larry whispered. "I'm good", I held my stomach. "You sure", he rubbed my other hand. "Yea, my stomach just- oh my god", I shuttered as my body cringed. "What's wrong?" "Oh my god! Ahhh- somethings not right, Lau stop the car!" "Laurent! Stop the car", Larry yelled. Laurent pulled over nd stopped the car. "Oh my god! Gia", Jessica screamed. "Ahhh! What's happening?!" I gripped my stomach tighter, feeling a horrible cringe of pain.

"Gia, I need you to breathe! Breathe Gia!" I inhaled and exhaled as I tried to stay calm, all the while Jessica's, Laurent's, and Larry's screams started to slowly fade away and eventually come to an abrubt halt and my breathing stopped. Everything just went black, and the last thing I remember hearing was Larry telling Jessica and Laurent to call for an ambulance.

Update finished! Is everthing ok with Gia and the baby, will the baby survive?! Will Gia keep the baby if it lives?! Until next update my luv's!<3

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