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*Back at home*

Gia's P.O.V

"Bye Jessica", I waved her off as she drove off down the street. I turned on my heels and walked up the driveway and into the house. The aroma of Jordan's cooking filled my nose as I walked past the kitchen to head upstairs.

I walked into my room, my eyes nearly popping out of my head. Lying on my bed, lay a poofy-glittery lavender dress, along with a pair of black heels. I rolled my eyes and sat my luggage down at the foot of my bed. I heard the bathroom door open and close, causing me to smirk.

I tiptoed towards the door, slowly opening it. I could see Larry leaning over the counter, washing his face while he ran the shower water. I crept up behind him, but sadly failed at my attempt.

"What are you doing", he laughed as he turned around to face me. "Trying to scare you", I rolled my eyes. "Yea, well how's that workin for ya", he smirked. I playfully punched his arm. "Whatever", I grimly replied.

We stood there in an akward silence until I could feel his arms pulling me towards his chest. I looked up into his twinkling eyes, feeling his breath on my lips. He pressed his lips on mine, holding me in place by my waist. He pulled away, leaving me wanting more.

"Prom nigh huh?" "What?" "You want me prom night?" "...Maybe", I looked down, suddenly feeling embaraced. "I promise I'll make it special *kiss* Let me finally make love to you...". "Larry... what's the difference between sex and making... love?" "Sex to me is just something you do once you're use to it and you know how to do it, making love to me is... when you take the time to actually feel and touch each other, you get to please one another equally, not just one person putting in all the work". "So, if we... you know... at the prom, which one would you do to me", I asked shyly. He grinned. "Which one would you like for me to give to you", he smirked as he pulled my waist closer. "...I want you to go slow Larry. I-I'm still a virgin". "Well", he whispered into my ear, "Making love it is baby". "Where are we gonna go that night?" "Somewhere special", he trailed off. "I wanna make that night as special as possible for us", he said. I stood up on my tiptoes, puckering out my lips playfully. He chuckled before grabbing onto my bottom lip with his soft lips and devouring my mouth into a sloppy wet kiss.


"MOM! It's gone!" "Whats gone", she ran up the steps, busting into my room with a worried face. "It's gone", my voice shook. "Gianna, what's gone?!" "M-my locket..", I looked down at the velvet box that I gripped tightly into my hands.

"What locket?" "The locket dad gave me!" "Gia, I-I thought you still wore it". "No! I-I came up here to change into my pajamas and then the box was just lying on the floor like somebody had opened it! And that's impossible because you have to have a key to get inside of it! I looked inside and it was... gone! I can't find it! I've looked everywhere", I cried. "Maybe you just misplaced it-", she shook her head but I cut her off. "No! I haven't touched that locket in years. I took it off after dad died! I kept the box hidded for a reason... and now... it's gone! That was like the only thing that I had left of him!" "Well maybe-", "Fuck it", I cut her off and stormed out of the room and into the hallway.

"Gia wait", my mom yelled as I ran down the last of the steps and out the front door, not even thinking of looking back. My car keys jiggled in my pocket as I dug them out. I heard the chirp of my car as I quickly unlocked it. My mom's and Jordan's screams were the only things I heard before getting into my car and slamming the door shut.

Soon enough, Laurent and Larry rushed outside. They stood along the side of the sidewalk, begging me to come back into the house. I closed my eyes, squeezing them tightly shut as I brought my hands upon the steering wheel.

I opened my eyes, blocking and muffilng the continued screams that could be heard from outside... and drove off.


Author's P.O.V

Gia cried into her hands as she sat on the soft green grass. She drove until she couldn't drive anymore. And by conisedence, she so happened to stop her car by the place her and her dad would go to just talk and bond together. It was peaceful and quite. The loudest noise you culd here there was probably a parrot talking to another. There was a beautiful waterfall, the trees stood tall and proud, the grass was soft and wore the prettiest shade of green, the clouds even looked prettier.

Gia just continued to cry, not even noticing the figure that stood behind her. "Baby", he spoke. Gia whimpered and sniffled, still crying into her hands. Larry walked around her, now standing in front of her. He knelt down, smiling warmly and trying his best to calm her. "Let me see your face baby." Gia shook her head. "You too pretty to be crying bella". He tried pulling her hands away from her face, but she wouldn't budge.

"Just go away", she whined. She removed her hands from her face, showing her tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes filled with new forming tears. "There's my baby girl", Larry whispered. "Why are you here" she looked down. "Because I follwed you... and because I know you need somebody to talk to." "I just wanna be alone right now". "You want me to go?" Gia shrugged. "Look at me bella", he gently grabbed her chin, wanting her to look him in the eyes.

"I'm not leaving you", he said before smashing his lips onto hers. And at this point, she didn't even care. She loved the way his lips felt on hers right now. He swiped his tongue across her bottom lip, wanting access. She happily abliged and let him slide his tongue into her mouth.

They both were so into the moment, the hadn't realised they slowly fell back onto the grass. Larry laid in between Gia's legs as he continued the kiss. Gia's arms were wrapped around his neck, not letting go.

"Larry", she moaned. He pulled away, breathess. He laid his forehead against hers. "Larry...I don't wanna wait anymore...". "You sure", he whispered. She bit her lip and shook her head. "Yes".


"H-how did you have time to do all of this", Gia squealed. "Don't worry about that Gia, just enjoy it baby", he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I want you to go take a bath, then I want you to be in that outfit I got for you in there when you come out", he whispered seductively into her ear. Gia bit her bottom lip once more, loving the dirty thoughts that came to her mind.

30 min. later

Gia stepped out of the bathroom, wearing exactly what Larry had laid out for her. She felt kind of shy being in the lacy outfit. "Come here sexy", Larry said. Gia shyly smiled ad slowly walked over to him. His bottom lip was tucked behind his top row of teeth, sending shivers down Gia's spine.

He firmly gripped her thighs, looking up into her eyes with his dark ones. He inhaled her vanilla scent, bringing her closer and closer. He lifted up her left thigh, kissing up and down it. "You know I love you", he mumbled. He gently placed her leg back down and stood up at his towering height.

He grabbed ahold of her waist, keeping her from falling as they both fell back onto the bed, passionately kissing each other. Larry let his hands roam all around her body, eventually reaching her butt and letting his hands give it a tight squeeze.

"Tell me what you want baby", he whispered, his voice slightly muffled into her neck as he sucked harshly, making sure to leave a mark. "Make love to me Larry", Gia moaned as she closed her eyes.

Update finished! I think we all know what's coming next... or do we?! Until next update my luv's!!

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