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Author's P.O.V

Larry proceeded to please Gia as he sucked on her neck, making sure to leave a mark. Gia was satisfied with what Larry was doing, so she didn't stop him. The pleasure she knew she was going to get afterwards made her body react even more.

Gia hungered for Larry's body to be on top of hers, but she still couldn't push away the thought of it being her first time... and him being her stepbrother.

Larry threw her legs over his shoulder, only giving Gia the support of only her shoulders and hands. He ripped her panties off and took no hesitation to dive into her immediately. "Larry! I have to wear tho-ahh", Gia started but couldn't continue by the pleasure now in between her legs, caused by Larry's tongue.

Gia arched her back and pulled at his hair, diving him deeper and deeper into her core. Larry made sure to make her say his name, even if it meant going further.

"Tell me baby! Who's is this", He groaned. Gia opened her mouth, but nothing came out. "Say it baby! Who's is this", he demanded. Each time he'd asked her, he pushed and swiped his tongue further into her, hitting her spot which made Gia squirt all over his face. "Damn baby! I love that shit-uhh!"

"Say my name, what is it! Say it baby! Who's p**** is this!" "Ahh- God! It's yours Daddy! It's all yours!" "Ahh- god go deeper", she begged. And that's just what Larry did. Gia didn't even know there was a possible way to go further the way his tongue was inside of her, but there was, and after hitting her spot countless times, Gia couldn't fight back anymore.

"Cum for me baby!" "God yeeess! I'm cumming daddy-ahhh!" Larry swiped his tongue one last time as he licked and sucked all of Gia's juices up, not missing a spot. "You taste so good", he said as he grinned and gave Gia a sloppy wet kiss. Gia took her time catching her breath.

"Larry, you ripped my panties off! Now what am I going to wear under my shorts", Gia asked suddenly. "That's sounds like a you problem baby, I got my draws on", Larry laughed before kissing her forehead and walking out of the restroom. "You are such an asshole", Gia giggled as she yelled out.

She pulled her shorts up and fixed herself up before picking up her comb and pin and fixing her hair back to the way it was before. She knew Tara was going to ask her why she took so long, so she took this time to make up a lie before making her way back out to her.

Gia's P.O.V

I made my way back to Tara, limping a little but I played it off. By the time I reached her, I knew Tara had a few questions considering her facial expression.

"Girl, what took you so long", she instantly asked me. "Oh, uh my edges weren't laying down the right way, I had to fix em'", I lied. She cracked up after I told her that, almost chocking on her sprite. The way Tara knew my nervousness and facial expressions, it was almost impossible to lie to her. I had to make sure not to make any sudden moves or seem suspicious.

Luckily it worked.

"Why were you limping", she laughed. "I hit my foot walking out", I lied again. Tara just shook her head and laughed. "It's your turn to bowl" she told me. I shook my head and limped my way over to my ball.

As I bent down to get my ball, I could see Larry staring me down, which made me blush and smile. I grabbed my bowling ball and got up to the floor. Everyone starred in anticipation, waiting to see if I could hit all of the pins.

And I did! Score...

*2 hours later*

Phone convo

"He mama", I answered the phone.

"Hey baby, what're you doin?"

"Oh, Kaden had a party at the bowling place and we all decided to go", I explained

"Who's Kaden?"

"Laurent and Larry's friend."

"Oh, ok. Well did you guys have fun?"

"Yea! I had the most points tho", I bragged.  

"Oh really", she laughed into the phone. "Well, when you guys get home, I made dinner, if you guys haven't already eaten", she said.

"Oh, yea. We just had some hot wings and french fries, but that was an hour ago. I'm still hungry", I giggled. "We'll be home shortly mama", I told her.

"Ok baby, I'll see you then", she said before she hung up the phone.

End of phone convo

I slipped my phone back into my pocket, but not long before it vibrated from a new text message.

I groaned as I pulled it back out. I unlocked it and it brought me straight to my text message.

It read, "If you want to keep your stepbrother a secret I suggest you not fuck him anymore, and let him do that to me instead...".

I stood there, frozen, not sure what to do nor say next. Everything around me just... stopped. Nothing moved, nothing made a single noise. Not even the sound of a light pin drop could take me way from the heavy butterflies in my stomach, that soon turned sour and made me go into shock.

"Hello! Earth to Gia! Girl, you ok", Tara yelled as she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Uh... uhh, umm, yea. C-can we go?" "Yea, come on", she said with a worried face, helping me to my feet as we made our way out of the bowling place.

We made our way into the parking lot and jumped into the car to begin back at the house. I sat in my seat, quiet and a little shaken up. I stared out of the window as I got caught deeply in my thoughts, the text message voicing over and over again in my head, as I tried tot truly understand it.

That's when my phone chimed/vibrated again. I hesitantly pulled it out of my back pocket and unlocked it.

My eyes widened as I noticed it was a text message from the same number. I shook my head not wanting to read it.

"I know you're secret now Gia, and if you don't do what I say, It might just get out. I'd listen if I were you...", it read.

Update finished! Ooh, who could this number be, and who could possibly know Gia's secret with Larry?...

A/N: Sorry I've been a little missing person lately, I made my school volleyball team and it is beast! I never knew your buns could hurt from running track, lol, but now I do! But I still love y'all, always!

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