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Gia's P.O.V

"W-what do you mean!?" "Gia, somebody recorded us. This is us, in the bathroom!" I started to shake my head and the tears that had formed in my eyes began to fall. "How... who did this", I screamed. "I don't know", Larry screamed back. I ran off down the driveway, getting into my car and speeding off down the street.

I didn't even think to where I was going, but I winded up pulling into the school parking lot anyways. I wiped my tear stained cheeks and grabbed my backpack. I sloppily go out of the car, trying my best not to run into Tara.

Luckily I didn't. I didn't have enough energy to tell her what was going on. I knew this day would not go by fast enough for me.


"My point is class, the French Revolution... Gia, yoo-hoo, there's no dazing off in history class", Mr.Schnotgrass yelled, breaking me from my sorrowed daydream, which I had been doing since this morning, staring off into space.

"S-sorry", I apologized. Three laughs were followed behind me as they giggled loudly. I turned around to see a laughing Amy and other girls gathered in a circle. 

That bitch. I swear I hate her. There's nobody at this school that I despise more than her, she was just destined to make my life miserable...


I grabbed my bag and walked out of history class, going down the long hallway to get to P.E class. My eyes only wondered on the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone or anything.

But sadly my plan backfired, I had bumped into Larry as I turned the last corner. "Gia, please talk to me", he begged. "T-there's nothing to say Larry", I stuttered. "Baby I know..", he started but I cut him off, my face almost fumed with rage. "No! Don't you dare 'baby' me! This is all of your fault", I screamed, throwing my book bag into his chest, causing him to step back.

He stepped forward again, grabbing my arm and pulling me into a space where no one could see or hear us. "Let go of me Larry!" "No! Tell me what the problem is! What the hell is wrong!" I started to cry from my frustration.

"Y-you're what's w-wrong with me!" Larry grabbed my arms, very fast, and shook me a little. It startled me from the instant grip he and the way he shook me to get my attention.

"Listen Gia! I don't know...", I cut him off once again. "Oh god, Larry DON'T! You suck! This is ALL of your fault, and you know it! J-just don't talk to me... just stay away today...", I screamed at him. I could feel the hurt I caused him by the way his eyes looked back into mine. And they were different. His eyes were no longer anger, nor rage or worry, they now were just... sad.

I had no limit of what came out my mouth, nor did I have control. All I saw was red, and once I found the words to hit my target, I just snapped.

I rushed past him, down the hall, and into my P.E period. I ran into the locker rooms, where nobody was, and found a place on the bench. All the other girl's were outside running track, so I took this time to just... let out everything. From screams to crying, to sobs and to breaking completely down.

And since I didn't have my diary, I couldn't jot down my feelings. If it wasn't the last thing my daddy taught me, was to write down my feelings and express it in writing. And it was times like this, I needed him. If he weren't dead, none of this would've happened. My mom wouldn't have met Jordan, there would be no Larry, no Laurent... not one of them would be involved if my dad was still here.

I pulled out my binder and took a out a single sheet of loose leaf paper and a blue ink pen. I guess I'll just have to tape this into my diary. But if it wasn't for writing, I'd be so messed up. Writing was something that got me through most of my situations since I've always been a little closed book that I don't like anyone reading...

"How could this happen! This was supposed to be a secret. And now someone knows, and I have no clue of who it could be. I can't tell my mom, I don't have my dad, I don't know how to tell Tara, and now me and Larry are in a bad space. I didn't mean what I said to him. I was just mad and I wasn't thinking of how my words could affect him, and the outcome of them. Why are things so suddenly falling apart? I was just starting to feel happy again, even with my stepbrother, and now there's nothing happy about shit that's going on. I had structure in my life, but now it's like I'm inside a caving wall where papers are just falling and I can't read them. I can't organize, I can't keep the structure, I can't do shit with it. I have no choice but to let them fall. But no... I can't fall apart right now. I need to get it together and try. And I believe everyone has their breaking point... but I refuse to have mine right now..."

I folded the piece of paper and stuck it in my folder. I was about to walk out when Tara came through the locker room door, wiping sweat off her forehead. "Oh shit, Gia you scared me", she exclaimed as she threw the towel at me. I sighed and walked past her.

"Hey, Gia, you ok", she asked as she grabbed my wrist. I couldn't even lie. I needed to talk to someone, and it seemed like Tara was the only person I trusted to tell.

I sat back down on the bench, hanging my head low as I began to cry again. I could feel my tears drop on my arm and make a puddle as the sour taste of them fell upon my lips.

Tara grabbed my hands and took them into her own as she sat down next to me. She lifted my chin and forced us to make eye contact. "You wanna tell me what's goin on?" She dried my tears with her thumb and smiled at me warmly. I shook my head and forced the words that were caught in my throat out, though I stuttered.

"T-tara, you remember what I told you m-me and Larry did?" She shook her head. "Well, we did it again...", I proceeded to say. "G-gia, I told you, you didn't have to talk about it again if you didn't want to", she said. "No, this time I have to Tara... this time, there's a consequence behind it", I explained. I watched as her face turned from worry to confusion.

"What does that mean", she asked while she tilted her head to the side, indicating she was lost from what I had told her. "I mean.. look Tara, I've been getting these text messages and this person keeps sending them a-and they keep harassing me and telling me their gonna tell if I don't do what they want and then Larry showed me this recording this morning and somebody recorded us hav...", I was cut off by Tara touching my shoulder, pulling me back from my continuing sentence that I didn't even stop to breathe for.

"Gia! Gia, breathe", she said as she shook my shoulders. I looked at her inhale and exhale, and did the same. Finally catching my breath, and before I lost all sanity.

"I-I think I...", Tara started. "You think what", I asked quickly. "Gia, I-I think I might know who it is...". 

There was a trigger that just went off in my head once she said that, and there were so many answers as why Tara might know...

Update finished! I know some of y'all probably already have an idea of who it might be, I've been reading the comments, lol!! But, shit's just getting started, I'm just getting started, are y'all ready?!!!

Hit that vote button and feel free to comment your positive thoughts!<3


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