It Was All a Dream No.44

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Gia's P.O.V

"No! Jessica! Ahh!" I tossed and turned until I shot up from my bed, out of breath, shaking, and sweaty from head to toe. "What the", I whispered, rubbing my hands along my forehead and arms. I looked around the room, noticing it was dark. I looked over at the clock. It read 4:oo a.m.

I breathed heavily as I threw the heavy covers off of me and began to get up out of the bed. I stumbled a bit, due to it being dark. I went to check on LJ before walking downstairs and into the kitchen. I reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a water a bottle.

The minute I took a few sips, I could literally feel it going down my chest and into my stomach. It was ice cold, which was refreshing because of my hot sweaty body that was in desperate need to cool off. As I was still drinking, I noticed my phone sitting on the kitchen table.

I walked over to it and picked it up, taking a seat in the chair. I lifted my knees up to my chest and I scrolled threw my Instagram notifications. I found myself getting lost in hashtags, most of them with Larry and Laurent. They seem to be having the time of their lives.

What is this?

I saw a name. Les Twins. Did they name themselves that? It sounds... pretty awesome to me. I watched one of their battles and good God, I knew they were good, but I didn't know they were that good. Between Laurent's crazy body movements and Larry's footwork, all rolled into one, they make the perfect dance duo.

There were a few pictures of them with fans, I guess, from the clubs and workshops. One stood out the most. "They're just fans, they're just fans", I said to myself, trying to contain my anger. I went to my contact list and dialed his number. He answered on the third ring.

"Hey baby", he answered.

"Hey, I didn't know if you were sleep or not", I awkwardly laughed.

"Oh no, I can't sleep".

"Me neither. I had a bad dream."

"Aww. Does my baby want me to come and hold her", he joked.

"Actually I would like that. But, you can't."

"I know. I'm sorry I can't be there baby".

"It's ok. I'm alright".

"You sound sad."

"I just miss you a lot. When are you coming back?"

"I think some time next week. Why. You miss daddy?"

"Maybe. Maybe not", I mocked, leaning back into my chair, twirling a loose strand of hair around my finger.

"Well, when I get back, you know you gotta give me what I want".

"And what would that be?"

"You know what it is".

"Yea, ok, we'll see".

"Like you have a choice", he smacked his lips.

"What ever you say daddy. I love you, and I miss you".

"I miss you too. I love you more babygirl".

I smiled as he kissed me through the phone, making a loud noise with his lips. We hung up and I just sat there at the table, thinking how I'm gonna fall back to sleep.


*7 hours later*

"So, how are you and the baby?" "We're fine." "How's LJ?" "He's good. He's with Sonya right now". "Sonya?" "The new babysitter. I had to fire Toya." "Oh, well, it's good to know you guys are making it through". "Huh?" "You know, with Larry being gone and all". "I'm surprised to", I giggled.

Me and Jessica had just walked into the mall, making small talk as we walked upstairs to our favorite store, Fashion Nova. We went crazy at the new stock items that had just came in. I practically quit my job, and I was out of school for Christmas break. But that didn't stop them from giving me one hell of an exam before I actually got to relax.

"Where did you get that dress you're wearing from Jess?" "Here, I even got the boots, they were 50% off", she laughed. "Oh, I should've guessed, that's were I got this outfit from". We walked around the large, spaced out store, coming across clothes that were once on hangers and laying on tables, now in the place of our arms.

I winded up spending a total of $127 messing around in that store. Jessica and I were now on our way to the food court. As I was waiting in line, a person tapped my shoulder. It couldn't have been Jessica because she was in front of me.

I turned around and nearly passed out. "Larry!" I jumped on him, not caring that my shopping bags fell out of my hands and onto the ground. I kissed all around his face, with him gripping onto me for dear life, kissing back.

"I thought you said you weren't coming back until next week!" "I had to lie so I could surprise you". "Where's Lau?" "Well, from the looks of it, sucking off Jessica's face over there", he chuckled. "Eew, get a room you two", I joked. "Oh whatever", Lau said, laughing. "When did you guys get here?" "An hour ago". "I missed you sooo much". "How much?" "I missed you more than I miss my favorite ice cream", I giggled. "Really, you gon compare me to ice cream", he scrunched his face up. "Oh whatever", I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him again. "I got plans for you babygirl", he whispered into my ear. I bit my lip, trying to hold the urge to jump his bones right then and there.

The End!

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