The Break-Up pt.2 No.34

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Author's P.O.V

"Gia, wake up, wake up". Gia's eyes fluttered open, only to be greeted with the fuzziness of a person's face. "Jess", she whispered. "Hey", she smiled, climbing in the hospital bed with Gia. "What're you doing here? When... how did you get here?" "I'll tell you later. But right now, I wanna know what's going on with you?"

Gia sat up, adjusting the soft white pillow behind her back. "I don't wanna talk about it". "Gia, you're in a hospital, and they've had to change your covers twice due to your bleeding. ...You wanna tell me why you're bleeding so much?" Gia shook her, hanging her head low as she felt her tears welling up in her eyes. "Gia?" "...I had a miscarriage". Jessica covered her mouth, not knowing what to do nor what to say.

"Oh my god, Gia, I-I'm so sorry". "It's my fault!" "Gia! Don't say that! You had no control over what happened to this baby!" "It is fault... I stressed myself out to much. Arguing, yelling, crying, fighting... it was all to much, and the baby was really small... I knew it wasn't going to live Jess". "But, you can't blame yourself for that. I will not sit here and let you take the blame for something you had completely no control over. Gia, you know this isn't your fault, I know it's not". "

"Where's Larry?" "I don't know?" "What?!" "I don't know Jess?" "You mean your own boyfriend didn't come and see you, the father of your child, the-" "No Jess, he's not here", Gia growled, turning over on her side.

"Can we just...please change the subject", she quietly asked. "Yea, why is there a purple mark around your neck?" "...I fell", Gia lied. "You fell? That looks like more of a strangling mark... did someone choke you?" "No, I fell", Gia lied again. "I don't believe you-" "I said I fell! Just drop it Jessica... please". "Did Larry choke you?"

Gia remained quiet. Going back and fourth with herself on rather if she should lie or tell the truth. She honestly wanted to forget what had happened between Larry and her, but it seemed as if Jessica kept pressing the question, making Gia feel enclosed and trapped between her own lies.

"Gia, did he choke you?" Gia bit her lip, nervously. "He just got so angry", she cried, feeling a tear slip down her cheeks. "What did he do Gia?" "...He choked me, hard. I couldn't breathe. I tried to get away but his grip just got stronger and stronger, it hurt so bad Jess". "Shhh, it's ok, I'm here for you", she turned Gia around, pulling her into a tight, warm, and loving embrace.

*Back at the house*

"You did what?!" Laurent shot up out his chair, anger completely covered his face. "I-I chocked her man", Larry whispered, looking down. Laurent pulled at his hair, forcing Larry to look up at him. "Why would you do that?! You know dad raised us better than to put our hands on any woman! You know better Larry! And now she's in the hospital... going through her first miscarriage... BY HERSELF!" "I don't think she wants me there, she told me it was over. She took her promise ring off and packed all my stuff up... she even told me I couldn't see my son... do you know how bad that hurts man?" "How bad you hurt?! Think about Gia! She just had to find out her boyfriend was cheating on her with her friend and then she miscarry her baby!" "...What am I gonna do?"

Larry ran his fingers through his scalp, huffing out a big sigh as the guiltiness he'd been feeling dawned on him even more. Laurent sat back in his chair, looking at his brother as he noticed he was about to cry.

"Look man, you gotta go talk to her. She's already in pain, physically and emotionally. You gotta be the rock that breaks the wall she's built up. The longer you wait, the longer it's gonna get taller and taller, and the more you're gonna have to climb it. Let her know you're sorry, don't just tell her, show her. You can't let yo girl go around thinking her man don't care. And right now, that's exactly how she feel. Like you don't care."

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