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Gia's P.O.V

My eyes pierced hard on the screen in front of my face that read my text messages for what must've been forever because when I finally looked up, Laurent was just pulling up into the driveway.

"Hey, uh I'll see you guys tomorrow. My mom's here, gotta go", Tara waved us off. She brought me out of my deathly stare and hugged me softly before jogging down the driveway and into her mom's car. I hated that Tara had to leave, I really needed to talk to her. And it was important, something I know I can't just tell anyone.

"Gia, y-you ok", Laurent asked. "Huh? Oh uh, yea", I answered back, still in a daze staring at my phone. I slowly got out the car and walked towards my front door. When I opened it, the sweet aroma of my mother's cooking instantly filled my nose.

Me still being in a bit of a daze, I accidentally bumped into Jordan who was walking out the kitchen. "Oh, oops, I'm sorry", I apologized. "That's ok, you ready to eat guys", he said with a smile. "Yea", the boys answered.

We all sat our things down and walked into the kitchen, where my mother was just sitting down the last of what she made for dinner. (meat loaf, mash potatoes, corn, and a vanilla cake with cream cheese frosting)

"Wow mom, everything smells and looks so good", Laurent admitted. "You cooked all this mom, it looks good", Larry said with a cheesy smile. "Well, I helped", Jordan said. My mom sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes. "Yea right, you helped eat the cake batter out the bowl babe", she said. We all cracked up and began to take our seats.

Author's P.O.V

Everyone took their seats and began to make their plates, filling it with food. "You guys want soda or juice", Faith asked.(Gia's mom is named Faith). "Soda", they all answered. Faith got up and pulled cups out and a bottle of sprite out the refrigerator.

She sat down, handing everyone a cup as they filled them with sprite. Larry was the first one to burp after taking 5 sips of his soda. "Eew son, cover your mouth", Jordan said. All Larry could do was chuckle at his dad's comment.

"Alright, let's all join ands and bless the food", Faith said. Everyone joined their hands together and bowed their head down, eyes closed. Jordan began to bless the food.


"Amen", they all said together. Once Jordan had blessed the food, everybody dug into their food, enjoying every taste that entered their mouths.

After washing their food down with glugs of sprite, they all settled for desert, cutting them a slice of the vanilla cake Faith had made. "Ooh, I'm gonna tear this cake up", Larry said, doing a little two step as he placed the fork in his mouth that held a piece of cake he sliced. Faith, Jordan, and Laurent all shared a laugh as they continued to eat their cake. While Gia just sat there at the table, quiet and shy.

She got up from the table and quietly walked out. "Gia, you don't want any cake boo", Faith questioned with scrunched eyebrows and a confused face. "Uh, I'll eat some tomorrow. I'm just a little tired, I kind-of jacked my wrist up when I was bowling", she lied. Faith nodded her head in response.

She walked up to Gia and kissed her forehead goodnight. Gia said her goodnight's to everyone before proceeding back out and up the stairs. Larry could tell something was off by the way Gia hugged him, when she walked upstairs, she was shaking uncontrollably.

Larry didn't want to make anything noticeable, so he just shook it off, for now...

Gia's P.O.V

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